The e Journal Art Education Research is open access and is published twice a year. It is peer reviewed by the editors of the issues. The aim of the SFKP's e Journal Art Education Research is to map and stimulate research in art education, to bring actors into conversation with each other and to network - throughout Switzerland and beyond. The focus is on topics and issues that current research in art education is working on or has identified as desiderata. The e Journal is published under the editorship of the SFKP / SSPA board and secretariat. The individual issues are designed by different editorial teams.

In order to capture the heterogeneity of art education research activities, open calls as well as thematic issues are launched, different forms of research are addressed and guest editors are invited. The issues of the e Journal Art Education Research of the SFKP / SSPA are accompanied by the board and the secretariat. The articles can be published in German, French or English; the abstracts of the articles are available in two languages.

The e Journal Art Education Research was conceived in 2010 at the Institute for Art Education IAE at Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, edited by Carmen Mörsch and supported by an academic advisory board. Changing editors were responsible for the individual issues until 2018. The first 15 issues of the e-journal Art Education Research are available in the archive. In 2019, the Swiss Society for Art Education SFKP / SSPA took over the e-journal Art Education Research.

Publication from 16/2019 onward: Board of SFKP / SSPA

Work Group Conception: Gila Kolb (Head), Bernadett Settele, Anna Schürch.

Design Oliver Tschernik

Realization Ideas in Logic

Board of the SFKP / SSPA
Schweizerische Fachgesellschaft für Kunstpädagogik / Societé Suisse pour la pédagogie de l'art
President Prof. Beate Florenz
Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
Institut Arts and Design Education
Freilagerplatz 1
4002 Basel