Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen" (Commoning Rural Baukultur: The Baukultur Experts of Tomorrow), which asks young people about their experiences of architecture and the built environment, as the “Baukultur experts of tomorrow.” The project turned primary school students into co-researchers who explored their local environments from a creative and aesthetic standpoint. The resulting knowledge was then formulated in shared conversations, texts, and artifacts that provided the basis for further analysis by the adult researchers, producing a diverse picture of the students’ experiences, desires, and visions with regard to the built environment around them: what matters to them, what interests them, and what they want to see done differently.

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