Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes before contemporary discourses can begin to determine the framework of the enterprise. Art can be found in the interpersonal. On the way to a "better world," the first thing to be determined is what stands in its way. On an individual level, this can be achieved through an awareness of one's own position in the social fabric. On a communal level, criticism should be exercised at eye level. These two demands find their beginnings in the playful discovery of the world: listening to each other, having conversations, exchanging roles, bringing body and experience into a relationship with each other. According to adrienne maree brown, mushrooms, ants, starlings, wave-particle dualism, and dandelions and fern offer useful allegories for the playful rethinking of art and its associated relationships. Communal ventures do not focus on concrete goals, final conclusions are avoided and absolute truths rejected. But there is one thing that remains at the heart of all this: decisions are made on a basis of consensus, and those who benefit from the enterprise are one and the same with those who want to participate in and reflect upon it. What we do does not belong to any institution, either state or private. What we do is not based on a contract and is never linked to wage labor. Only the interest of the participants is relevant and the result remains open. This understanding of artistic education should be abstract and remain informal, because it fundamentally rejects any form of domination.

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