Collaboration + Art Education
The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, and to examine it with regard to the question “How can collaboration be used productively as a method?” Their reflections focused on the themes of hierarchy, role, resistance, and knowledge. In June 2021, they invited a critical friend – Annika Niemann – to join them in a series of discussion groups. In Saloon Arts Education, they discussed four topics together with students, teachers, and other guests from the education and culture sectors: 1) communication in hierarchical communities; 2) rethinking educational settings; 3) sabotage and hurdles: Kafkaesque authorities; 4) reflecting on distribution/division and trust. These discussion groups formed the basis of the Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht podcast.

No translation available at the moment.