Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is questioned as a strategy for making the effects of school space visible. Heterogeneously selected case studies will be used. The study of Christiane Brohl and her concept of displacement as an art-pedagogical strategy is prominent. With regard to the question at hand, an extension of her approaches is proposed. The theoretical reference point of heterotopia introduced with it will be discussed in the context of further receptions and a methodology will be found which will then be illustrated using the example of the seminar "Learning in/as/through Space". The analysis of everyday rule breaks (tricks) also plays a role in the development of these methodological considerations. As heterotopic break-ins into school orders, they served as models for the development of the seminar's approaches. This was aimed at students of art pedagogy and took place as a temporary use in the empty rooms of the former Villa Bellerive. The starting point for the planned process of the empty spaces was artistic research on school buildings of different construction periods. The situational translation of the results of this research into the context of the villa spaces - in the sense of an analogy or a contrast - was intended to make certain aspects of school spatial conditions even more prominent and reflectable. With a view to the future teaching activities of the students, this was intended to make possible the experience of a creative scope that wanted to counteract to a certain extent the effect of normative school settings.

No translation available at the moment.

Short CVs of the authors: