
This text documents thoughts – on the formation of taste as a hegemonial practice of nation building, on taste and distinction and on the author's own habitus – developed during repeated visits to ...
Re­flec­tions based on a par­tic­i­pa­tive re­search process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
the sketch of a his­to­ry of con­flict­ing ideas and po­lit­i­cal trends in ac­tion re­search The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
Pro­pos­als for col­lec­tion de­vel­op­ment and in­ter­pre­ta­tion at the Swiss Na­tion­al Mu­se­um National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
(un­re­hearsed) I aim to explore the ways in which artistic practice, academic research, and the blending of multilayered narratives destabilizes traditional, hegemonic sagacity, and static structu...
Based on my lecture at Un_University platform in April 2016, this text is a collection of fragments from an ongoing practice of unwriting the body as deschooling option, drawing on Walter Mignolo’...
Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Nicole Heri completed her MA in art with a focus on art in public spheres at the HSLU – D&K. Her research focus is on extra-curricular art mediation and art mediation in public space. She works...
Bettina Gassmann is a stage designer and teacher of visual arts. She has worked at various theaters and opera houses. She also experienced her first teaching situation as a theatrical moment. Durin...
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, ex...