
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
Work­ing with young mi­grants in gallery ed­u­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples...
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial ...