
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Sonja Eismann zeigt in ihrem Beitrag die Geschichte und Aktualität von Do-it-yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst auf. Sie geht der Frage der Etablierung dieser Gegenkultur nach, die sich An...
Flic Flac* – Fe­mi­nis­ti­sche Ma­te­ria­li­en für den Kunstun­ter­richt. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
Work­ing the Third Space and Be­yond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
Ex­plo­rations on the field of school mu­sic in the Ger­man speak­ing part of Switzer­land This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
Mean­ing con­struc­tion in mu­sic class­es as a di­men­sion of mu­sic re­lat­ed ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the educational potential of music classes in which music-related meaning is constr...
An em­pir­i­cal study as a con­tri­bu­tion to ba­sic re­search in mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion This paper gives an insight into an empirical study about individual concepts of music teachers. Interviews abo...
Body-​het­eroglos­sia and crip tools for dirty knowl­edges in art teach­ing Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
think­ing about the re­search ap­pren­tice­ship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
The choice of a working language influences the content and type of discussions and creates in and out groups. At an art university in the German-speaking world, should one speak English due to the...
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
Ariana Dongus, journalist and academic staff member at the Department of Media Theory and Art Studies at the Academy of Art and Design Karlsruhe. PhD under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Pasquinel...
Die Tiefe Kümmernis is a drag queen and art educator from Vienna. From 2016 to 2019 she regularly offered guided tours from a LGBTIQ perspective at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and at the Al...
Charlotte Friedli (#1992) lives in Zurich and her work centers on web cultures, interface structures and screen traces. She completed a master's in art pedagogy at the ZHdK in 2019. She works as a ...