
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Gut aus­se­hen – Ge­schmack und Schön­heit im Kunstun­ter­richtHer­aus­ge­ber_in­nen: Si­mon Har­der und Car­men Mörsch Die zehnte Ausgabe des ejournal Art Education Research widmet sich dem Thema ...
Re­flec­tions on bar­ri­ers and dis­crim­i­na­tion in ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
Build­ing re­la­tions and leav­ing rests in car­togra­phies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
Ex­plo­rations on the field of school mu­sic in the Ger­man speak­ing part of Switzer­land This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
think­ing about the con­di­tion­al­i­ty of col­lab­o­ra­tive the­atre ped­a­gogy in schools In his text, Andreas Bürgisser, as a former FLAKS collaborator, considers the significance of FLAKS towar...
The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
The aim of the praxis-based research project in music pedagogy presented in this contribution involves in-class processing of musical competence and knowledge that music students have acquired out...
The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...