
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
Malin Widén (*1989) completed a master's degree in art teaching with a focus on image practices at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the summer of 2020. During her Bachelor she...
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the ...
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My...
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the ex...