
A di­a­logue on per­fo­mance the­o­ry and gallery ed­u­ca­tion Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
To­wards a crit­i­cal art ed­u­ca­tion The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Notes from the per­spec­tive of mi­gra­tion ped­a­gogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...