
The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
To­wards a crit­i­cal art ed­u­ca­tion The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
The fifth issue of Art Education Research, entitled «Von Kassel lernen» (Learning from Kassel) reflects on the intersection between cultural and political education, and is based on the example of ...
Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
An «oth­er» in­sti­tu­tion of con­tem­po­rary art in rep­re­sen­ta­tions of gallery ed­u­ca­tion? This article develops a description of two regimes of representation at the center of communication...
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Les revues d’art proposent généralement des articles sur des expositions en cours ou à venir. La revue électronique de la SSPA e Journal Art Education Research souhaite reprendre ce format, et le t...
Comment les médiateurs d'art peuvent-ils créer une situation dans laquelle l'art contemporain peut être médiatisé ? Quelle attitude développent-ils à l'égard de leurs activités de médiation artisti...
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of actio...
Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat...