
A di­a­logue on per­fo­mance the­o­ry and gallery ed­u­ca­tion Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Cul­tur­al ed­u­ca­tion and re­search based on ex­ter­nal fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
Art in the (post-​) colo­nial in­ter­stice Through an analysis of how 19th and 20th century European avant-garde art perpetuates and continues to affirm ideas of originality and purity and subseque...
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Art | A Crit­i­cal Per­spec­tive on Racism | Art Ed­u­ca­tion On Fragili­ty and Re­sis­tance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
In his seminal essay Nurturance in the Andes, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on his early experiences with the use of the Freire literacy program in indigenous communities in northern Peru. He ...
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
Laura Zachmann is an art pedagogue and adult educator and works as a lecturer and mentor for internships at the Bachelor Art Education at the ZHdK. From August 2021 onward, she will begin a doctora...
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En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
De quelle manière la médiation artistique à la documenta fifteen a-t-elle servi à critiquer le pouvoir, et quel rôle la "diversité" a-t-elle joué à cet égard ? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak et Aurél...