
The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Art Ed­u­ca­tion Re­search at Uni­ver­si­ties of the Arts in Switzer­land With this article Barbara Bader takes a look at the art education research field in Switzerland. According to the author th...
Cul­tur­al ed­u­ca­tion and re­search based on ex­ter­nal fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Re­flec­tions on bar­ri­ers and dis­crim­i­na­tion in ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
Work­ing the Third Space and Be­yond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
An «oth­er» in­sti­tu­tion of con­tem­po­rary art in rep­re­sen­ta­tions of gallery ed­u­ca­tion? This article develops a description of two regimes of representation at the center of communication...
re­flex­ions on the­atre ed­u­ca­tion in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety The paper reflects on a theatre education project the Groupe l’Aventin developed with migrant women attending at the association Camar...
Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
Pro­pos­als for col­lec­tion de­vel­op­ment and in­ter­pre­ta­tion at the Swiss Na­tion­al Mu­se­um National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
is a comic artist and works between the fields of comics, digital imagery, and theory. As part of the collective Institute for Contemporary Cartooning, Helen investigates the relationship between c...
has been a Junior Professor for Art Media Education at the University of Cologne since 2019. She works and researches in art education and media theory within the field of image science and receive...
Die Tiefe Kümmernis is a drag queen and art educator from Vienna. From 2016 to 2019 she regularly offered guided tours from a LGBTIQ perspective at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and at the Al...