
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
Lo­cat­ing a gallery ed­u­ca­tion that op­er­ates with con­cepts of per­for­ma­tiv­i­ty Why is gallery education interested in performativity? Between fights for recognition, reflection on one’s ow...
To­wards a crit­i­cal art ed­u­ca­tion The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
According to Ute Pinkert the decisive characteristic of theatre pedagogy at theatres is the connection to the institution theatre. For this specific research area she introduces the term «Theaterv...
About the development of research and theory in the field of art-, gallery-, and cultural education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna The education of art teachers at the University of Appli...
the prob­lem of re­li­gious as­crip­tions for mi­grants of Is­lam­ic her­itage How relevant is Islam for muslims living here? What actually makes one a Muslim? Today, the term Muslim is being emplo...
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
Work­ing with young mi­grants in gallery ed­u­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
Pro­pos­als for col­lec­tion de­vel­op­ment and in­ter­pre­ta­tion at the Swiss Na­tion­al Mu­se­um National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Ap­proach­es for me­di­a­tion prac­tice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
In 2016 Wintergreen started introducing the format of walking lectures to his students at the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD/Uganda), aiming to encourage them to observe and...
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
lives and works in Vienna. As a freelance curator she initiates collaborative exhibition projects, develops and implements educational formats and is involved in collaborative artistic projects and...
Malin Widén (*1989) completed a master's degree in art teaching with a focus on image practices at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the summer of 2020. During her Bachelor she...
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by...
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategie...
Die Tiefe Kümmernis, a drag queen and museum art educator, answers three questions about her work in Vienna. She first explains the origin of her name and describes the beginnings of her work as an...
No translation available at the moment.
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of ar...
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young...
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation ...
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practic...
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing resear...
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the ex...
No translation available at the moment.
The article is a reflection on nine interviews with sobat-sobat from the research project The Art Educator's Walk II: On the Situation of Art Educators at documenta fifteen. A survey by Gila Kolb i...
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and p...