
  • 3 questions à... Mirl Redmann (Mirl Redmann)
    Dans l'interview "3 Questions for...", Mirl Redmann réfléchit à l'histoire de la documenta dans le contexte des processus d'altérisation au sein de la médiation de la science et de l'art, soulignant les lacunes dans la recherche existante sur la série d'expositions qui doivent être abordées. "3 Q...
  • Cy­borg Ex­its in the Class­room (Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
    Body-​het­eroglos­sia and crip tools for dirty knowl­edges in art teach­ing Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
  • Crip Ma­te­ri­als as Forms of Un_Uni­ver­si­ty Think­ing (Eva Egermann)
    In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Humus (Christiane Hamacher)
    Nicht übersetzt
  • From The­o­ry in­to Prac­tice – Re­search and Trans­for­ma­tion (Dolores Smith)
    The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
  • Not for the im­pa­tient: (Carmen Mörsch)
    the sketch of a his­to­ry of con­flict­ing ideas and po­lit­i­cal trends in ac­tion re­search The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
  • En­ab­ling ques­ti­ons (Ursula Ulrich)
    The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
  • Revue (Cornelia Dinsleder )
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural (Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
    In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Grasping Gaps (Clara Laila Abid Alsstar, Mako Sangmongkhon)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n’est disponible.
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • À propos de la recherche actuelle en pédagogie artistique en Suisse (Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
    Entretien avec Ruth Kunz, octobre 2019. Le symposium «Le regard professionnalisé» a eu lieu en 2019, peu après la publication du volume du même nom. La revue électronique de la SSPA «Art Education Research» est consacrée à la recherche actuelle en pédagogie de l’art en Suisse, et le premier numér...
  • Learning Lab Arts and Design: Collecte de données en pédagogie de l’art et du design (Dorothée King)
    La Biennale de design d’Istanbul 2018 consistait en six écoles pop-up, dont le cadre général était «le design en tant qu’apprentissage et l’apprentissage en tant que design» . Proclamé dans les arts depuis plus d’une décennie, le phénomène appelé «tournant pédagogique» s’étend ainsi au monde du ...
  • Apprendre entre le réel et le possible – le projet de développement interdisciplinaire AMAMuG (Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
    AMAMuG est un projet de développement interdisciplinaire et interinstitutionnel qui s’est déroulé du 1er avril 2018 au 1er août 2019. L’acronyme se réfère au titre du projet: «Archäologische Mustergrabung und Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart» [«Fouillles archéologiques pédagogiques et Musée ...
  • 3 questions à... Mirl Redmann (Mirl Redmann)
    Dans l'interview "3 Questions for...", Mirl Redmann réfléchit à l'histoire de la documenta dans le contexte des processus d'altérisation au sein de la médiation de la science et de l'art, soulignant les lacunes dans la recherche existante sur la série d'expositions qui doivent être abordées. "3 Q...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • Learning Lab Arts and Design: Collecte de données en pédagogie de l’art et du design (Dorothée King)
    La Biennale de design d’Istanbul 2018 consistait en six écoles pop-up, dont le cadre général était «le design en tant qu’apprentissage et l’apprentissage en tant que design» . Proclamé dans les arts depuis plus d’une décennie, le phénomène appelé «tournant pédagogique» s’étend ainsi au monde du ...
  • Art Society Education (Luise Ramm)
    In three video works, Luise Ramm seeks artistic answers to social issues in educational contexts, raising new questions along the way. The works are made up of performative elements and each deal with one of three terms: art, society, and education. The starting point for the videos is the sphere...
  • Collaboration + Art Education (Anja Schiefer, Annika Niemann, Eva Maria Klein, Maya Wendler, Naomi Bodner, Silke Ballath )
    The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, ...
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • Contre-rituels : De-ception comme méthode de médiation artistique anticoloniale (Thesea Efstathopoulos)
    Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat sobat. Sur la base de l'expérience d'une visite guidée, il sera montré comment l'Ent-täuschung peut...
  • Grasping Gaps (Clara Laila Abid Alsstar, Mako Sangmongkhon)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n’est disponible.
  • Fluctuating (Havin Al-Sindy)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n’est disponible.
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts (Agnes Biya, Eva Maria Klein, Luise Ramm)
    “Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts” is a research project led by the prospective teachers Agnes Biya, Luise Ramm, and Eva Marie Klein, carried out in collaboration with the artists Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon and with the support of Silke Ballath. Togeth...
  • Art Society Education (Luise Ramm)
    In three video works, Luise Ramm seeks artistic answers to social issues in educational contexts, raising new questions along the way. The works are made up of performative elements and each deal with one of three terms: art, society, and education. The starting point for the videos is the sphere...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • Contre-rituels : De-ception comme méthode de médiation artistique anticoloniale (Thesea Efstathopoulos)
    Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat sobat. Sur la base de l'expérience d'une visite guidée, il sera montré comment l'Ent-täuschung peut...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge (Anna Schürch)
    Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
  • *foundationClass - the book (Gürsoy Doğtaş)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Revue (Gitta Bertram)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • 3 questions à... Mirl Redmann (Mirl Redmann)
    Dans l'interview "3 Questions for...", Mirl Redmann réfléchit à l'histoire de la documenta dans le contexte des processus d'altérisation au sein de la médiation de la science et de l'art, soulignant les lacunes dans la recherche existante sur la série d'expositions qui doivent être abordées. "3 Q...
  • Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education (Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
    The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
  • Diversité institutionnelle et médiation artistique critique du pouvoir à la documenta fifteen (Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
    De quelle manière la médiation artistique à la documenta fifteen a-t-elle servi à critiquer le pouvoir, et quel rôle la "diversité" a-t-elle joué à cet égard ? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak et Aurélie proposent des réflexions de second ordre, en échangeant leurs points de vue sur les questions de ...
  • Contre-rituels : De-ception comme méthode de médiation artistique anticoloniale (Thesea Efstathopoulos)
    Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat sobat. Sur la base de l'expérience d'une visite guidée, il sera montré comment l'Ent-täuschung peut...
  • 3 Questions (Barnaby Drabble)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • 3 questions à... Mirl Redmann (Mirl Redmann)
    Dans l'interview "3 Questions for...", Mirl Redmann réfléchit à l'histoire de la documenta dans le contexte des processus d'altérisation au sein de la médiation de la science et de l'art, soulignant les lacunes dans la recherche existante sur la série d'expositions qui doivent être abordées. "3 Q...
  • A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time (Philip Rizk)
    This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
  • Read across and talk back (Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
    A di­a­logue on per­fo­mance the­o­ry and gallery ed­u­ca­tion Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
  • Study­ing in Switzer­land with­in the con­text of the Bologna Process (Philippe Saner)
    The article by sociologist Philippe Saner concentrates on the current conditions for studying at Swiss universities. He critically discusses the practices and effects of the so-called «Bologna Proc...
  • Materialien zum Selbststudium (Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
    Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
  • What are we do­ing here? (Claus Melter)
    Re­flec­tions on bar­ri­ers and dis­crim­i­na­tion in ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
  • Teach­ing method­ol­o­gy, re­search-​based: (Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
    think­ing about the re­search ap­pren­tice­ship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
  • The Liv­ing School (Brandon LaBElle)
    The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
  • Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education  (Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
    Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
  • Cri­an­za Or The Art of Nur­tin­ing – An­dean Cos­mo­vi­sions In Com­mu­ni­ty Ed­u­ca­tion (Alejandro Cevallos, Sofía Olascoaga)
    In this Interview with Alejandro Cevallos and Sofía Olascoaga, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on the trajectory of his work since his essay A propósito de Freire(Nurturance in the Andes, 2001), ...
  • Für­ein­an­der Sor­gen in den An­den: An­mer­kun­gen zu Pau­lo Frei­re (Grimaldo Rengifo)
    In his seminal essay Nurturance in the Andes, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on his early experiences with the use of the Freire literacy program in indigenous communities in northern Peru. He ...
  • Gallery ed­u­ca­tion – per­for­mance – the dif­fer­end (Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
    The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
  • Whether we like it or not (Agnieszka Czejkowska)
    Cul­tur­al ed­u­ca­tion and re­search based on ex­ter­nal fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
  • Art School with mi­gra­tion back­ground (Catrin Seefranz)
    Pre­lim­i­nary thoughts based on a study of in­equal­i­ty in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
  • Aes­thet­ic ed­u­ca­tion and art teach­ing (Paul Mecheril)
    Notes from the per­spec­tive of mi­gra­tion ped­a­gogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
  • Sketch­es on Re­flex­iv­i­ty (Rubia Salgado)
    Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
  • Think­ing Through /Dif­fer­ence/ in Art Ed­u­ca­tion Con­texts (jan jagodzinski)
    Work­ing the Third Space and Be­yond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
  • Or­dered Bod­ies, em­bod­ied Or­ders – about vi­su­al and lin­guis­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al pat­terns of gallery ed­u­ca­tion (Stephan Fürstenberg)
    In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
  • AUS MIT RAUS (Eva Lausegger)
    or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
  • «Sich Verze­ich­nen» – with and through dif­fer­ences (Mikki Muhr)
    Build­ing re­la­tions and leav­ing rests in car­togra­phies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
  • The «work­shop about my­self» (Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
    Be­tween af­fir­ma­tion and am­bi­gu­i­ty Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
  • How art schools ex­clude and nor­mal­ize (Philippe Saner)
    Re­flec­tions based on a par­tic­i­pa­tive re­search process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
  • The «Cab­i­net of Bad Taste» by Gus­tav E. Paza­u­rek (Imke Volkers)
    On the occasion of the special exhibition Evil Things. An Encyclopedia of Bad Taste by the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge this article portrays The Cabinet of Bad Taste of Gustav Pazaurek. It o...
  • Is it Taste that makes the dif­fer­ence? (Rahel Puffert)
    For­ma­tion of jugde­ments of taste and so­cial in­equal­i­ty in art ed­u­ca­tion To a large extent and contrary to the common individualistic description of judgements on taste, our perceptions ar...
  • Cy­borg Ex­its in the Class­room (Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
    Body-​het­eroglos­sia and crip tools for dirty knowl­edges in art teach­ing Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
  • Not for the im­pa­tient: (Carmen Mörsch)
    the sketch of a his­to­ry of con­flict­ing ideas and po­lit­i­cal trends in ac­tion re­search The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
  • Re­search­ing in and to­wards dif­fer­ences and con­tra­dic­tions: (Marion Thuswald)
    in search of crit­i­cal ap­proach­es to pro­fes­sion­al­is­ing in ped­a­gog­ics There is a lack of socially critical approaches to professionalization in the education of pedagogues and also in the...
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education (Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
    The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • reise zum :) (Helen Stefanie)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • Em­pow­er­ment as a strat­e­gy of ac­tion against racism (Žaklina Mamutovič)
    Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
  • Diversité institutionnelle et médiation artistique critique du pouvoir à la documenta fifteen (Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
    De quelle manière la médiation artistique à la documenta fifteen a-t-elle servi à critiquer le pouvoir, et quel rôle la "diversité" a-t-elle joué à cet égard ? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak et Aurélie proposent des réflexions de second ordre, en échangeant leurs points de vue sur les questions de ...
  • Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts (Agnes Biya, Eva Maria Klein, Luise Ramm)
    “Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts” is a research project led by the prospective teachers Agnes Biya, Luise Ramm, and Eva Marie Klein, carried out in collaboration with the artists Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon and with the support of Silke Ballath. Togeth...
  • Read across and talk back (Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
    A di­a­logue on per­fo­mance the­o­ry and gallery ed­u­ca­tion Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
  • Per­form­ing the ed­u­ca­tor (Bernadett Settele)
    What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • Materialien zum Selbststudium (Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
    Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
  • Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht (Danja Erni)
    Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
  • Crit­i­cal White­ness in Ped­a­gog­i­cal Prac­tice -​ (Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
    how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
  • Teach­ing method­ol­o­gy, re­search-​based: (Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
    think­ing about the re­search ap­pren­tice­ship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
  • Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education  (Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
    Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
  • Nanna Lüth ()
    Art | A Crit­i­cal Per­spec­tive on Racism | Art Ed­u­ca­tion On Fragili­ty and Re­sis­tance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
  • Ped­a­gogy for Democ­ra­cy. Art/Ed­u­ca­tion against Racism (Nanna Lüth)
    In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
  • ‘Natural Art Education’  – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse (Anna Schürch)
    In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
  • trébucher radicalement pour (dés-) apprendre à voir Comment les «séquences de langage» reflètent-elles l’enseignement? (Judit Villiger)
    Le texte traite de questions concernant l’enseignement. Il analyse ce que les étudiant*es observent et pensent concrètement en situation pédagogique réelle, dans leur rôle transitoire peu avant le stage pratique d’enseignement du Master Art Education. Il n’est pas facile d’avoir une perception co...
    L’étude «Dessiner – parler – montrer» s’intéresse à la manière dont les échanges communicatifs influencent la conception et la réalisation du dessin dans le cadre de l’enseignement artistique. Le but de cette étude est une analyse à la fois empirique et ancrée dans la théorie (de la pratique). El...
  • 3 FRAGEN AN ... Konstanze Schütze (Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Trois questions à... (Hannah Horst)
    Les revues d’art proposent généralement des articles sur des expositions en cours ou à venir. La revue électronique de la SSPA e Journal Art Education Research souhaite reprendre ce format, et le transposer au domaine de la pédagogie de l’art. Chaque numéro présente ainsi un projet de pédagogie d...
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • Re­vis­it­ing Eval­u­a­tion (Emily Pringle)
    This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
  • Les sauts micropédagogiques dans le contexte de l'éducation esthétique (Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
    L’éducation esthétique est un vaste projet civilisationnel, éducatif et politique, que le présent article explore pour l’époque actuelle à travers des sauts micro-pédagogiques. Le concept de micro-pédagogie n’est pas encore clairement défini en pédagogie artistique. Dans le cadre du discours péda...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural (Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
    In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
  • 3 FRAGEN AN ... Konstanze Schütze (Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Baukulturelle Bildung als ästhetische Diskurspraxis (Eva Chen)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Trois questions à... (Hannah Horst)
    Les revues d’art proposent généralement des articles sur des expositions en cours ou à venir. La revue électronique de la SSPA e Journal Art Education Research souhaite reprendre ce format, et le transposer au domaine de la pédagogie de l’art. Chaque numéro présente ainsi un projet de pédagogie d...
  • Revue (Gitta Bertram)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Learning Lab Arts and Design: Collecte de données en pédagogie de l’art et du design (Dorothée King)
    La Biennale de design d’Istanbul 2018 consistait en six écoles pop-up, dont le cadre général était «le design en tant qu’apprentissage et l’apprentissage en tant que design» . Proclamé dans les arts depuis plus d’une décennie, le phénomène appelé «tournant pédagogique» s’étend ainsi au monde du ...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • À propos de la recherche actuelle en pédagogie artistique en Suisse (Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
    Entretien avec Ruth Kunz, octobre 2019. Le symposium «Le regard professionnalisé» a eu lieu en 2019, peu après la publication du volume du même nom. La revue électronique de la SSPA «Art Education Research» est consacrée à la recherche actuelle en pédagogie de l’art en Suisse, et le premier numér...
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • For­ma­tion of taste as «do­ing na­tion»: ob­ser­va­tions while tak­ing a break (Carmen Mörsch)
    This text documents thoughts – on the formation of taste as a hegemonial practice of nation building, on taste and distinction and on the author's own habitus – developed during repeated visits to ...
  • The taste of an­oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty (Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
    We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
  • How art schools ex­clude and nor­mal­ize (Philippe Saner)
    Re­flec­tions based on a par­tic­i­pa­tive re­search process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
  • Not for the im­pa­tient: (Carmen Mörsch)
    the sketch of a his­to­ry of con­flict­ing ideas and po­lit­i­cal trends in ac­tion re­search The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
  • «Ma­te­r­i­al Mem­o­ry» and Post­mi­grant So­ci­ety (Jonas Bürgi)
    Pro­pos­als for col­lec­tion de­vel­op­ment and in­ter­pre­ta­tion at the Swiss Na­tion­al Mu­se­um National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
  • What Emerges in the Si­lence of … (Hong-Kai Wang)
    In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
  • Un­writ­ing the Body (Fouad Asfour)
    Based on my lecture at Un_University platform in April 2016, this text is a collection of fragments from an ongoing practice of unwriting the body as deschooling option, drawing on Walter Mignolo’...
  • Questions of Inside and Outside – resolved in the utopia of communal,[1] anti-hegemonic knowledge production (Die „Universität der Ignorant_innen“)
    Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
  • The An­ti-​Lec­ture Mul­ti_Verse (Jamika Ajalon)
    (un­re­hearsed) I aim to explore the ways in which artistic practice, academic research, and the blending of multilayered narratives destabilizes traditional, hegemonic sagacity, and static structu...
  • Every­one has to learn every­thing, or: emo­tion­al la­bor (Nana Adusei-Poku)
    “Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
  • Diversité institutionnelle et médiation artistique critique du pouvoir à la documenta fifteen (Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
    De quelle manière la médiation artistique à la documenta fifteen a-t-elle servi à critiquer le pouvoir, et quel rôle la "diversité" a-t-elle joué à cet égard ? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak et Aurélie proposent des réflexions de second ordre, en échangeant leurs points de vue sur les questions de ...
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • What are we do­ing here? (Claus Melter)
    Re­flec­tions on bar­ri­ers and dis­crim­i­na­tion in ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
  • Cy­borg Ex­its in the Class­room (Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
    Body-​het­eroglos­sia and crip tools for dirty knowl­edges in art teach­ing Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
  • En­ab­ling ques­ti­ons (Ursula Ulrich)
    The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
  • Nanna Lüth ()
    Art | A Crit­i­cal Per­spec­tive on Racism | Art Ed­u­ca­tion On Fragili­ty and Re­sis­tance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
  • Ped­a­gogy for Democ­ra­cy. Art/Ed­u­ca­tion against Racism (Nanna Lüth)
    In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
  • No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural (Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
    In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
  • No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural (Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
    In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
  • Collaboration + Art Education (Anja Schiefer, Annika Niemann, Eva Maria Klein, Maya Wendler, Naomi Bodner, Silke Ballath )
    The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, ...
  • Chair between Chair, or: On the Qualities of a Gaze and the Opening Up of New Narratives (Anna Schapiro)
    “Chair between Chair, or: On the Qualities of a Gaze and the Opening Up of New Narratives” examines different definitions and views of a supposed “neither here nor there,” developed along the lines of memory and theoretical contextualization. Anna Schapiro questions the notion of the in-between, ...
  • From The­o­ry in­to Prac­tice – Re­search and Trans­for­ma­tion (Dolores Smith)
    The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • The vis­i­tors are miss­ing. Which vis­i­tors? (Nora Landkammer)
    A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
  • Art School with mi­gra­tion back­ground (Catrin Seefranz)
    Pre­lim­i­nary thoughts based on a study of in­equal­i­ty in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
  • Refugees as «ma­te­r­i­al» for art projects? (Das AntikultiAtelier)
    An­ti­kul­ti­Ate­lier We are a group of people living in Switzerland and working on asylum and migration policies, racism and representation: many of us as refugees, others as migrants or Swiss. In...
  • The com­plex task of self-​chang­ing (Büro trafo. K)
    Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
  • How art schools ex­clude and nor­mal­ize (Philippe Saner)
    Re­flec­tions based on a par­tic­i­pa­tive re­search process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
  • Teach­ing the world to the arts (Wanda Wieczorek)
    Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
  • Unterrichtssprache - Working Language (Marlene Lahmer)
    The choice of a working language influences the content and type of discussions and creates in and out groups. At an art university in the German-speaking world, should one speak English due to the...
  • What Emerges in the Si­lence of … (Hong-Kai Wang)
    In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
  • Every­one has to learn every­thing, or: emo­tion­al la­bor (Nana Adusei-Poku)
    “Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
  • Sown by Scat­ter­ing: Re­flec­tions on an Un­re­al­ized Com­mis­sion for an Artis­tic Project at an Asy­lum Cen­ter (Pascal Schwaighofer)
    What are the implications of a commissioned monument that envisages a participatory process between an artist and the inhabitants of an asylum center? From defining the context and identifying the ...
  • Quelle est la couleur de Dieu ? (Julia Schäfer)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Assemblée des questions (Maja Linke)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education (Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
    The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
  • From The­o­ry in­to Prac­tice – Re­search and Trans­for­ma­tion (Dolores Smith)
    The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
  • Flic Flac* - Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. (Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
    Flic Flac* – Fe­mi­nis­ti­sche Ma­te­ria­li­en für den Kunstun­ter­richt. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
  • Materialien zum Selbststudium (Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
    Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
  • Em­pow­er­ment as a strat­e­gy of ac­tion against racism (Žaklina Mamutovič)
    Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
  • Editorial (Lea Weniger)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • From The­o­ry in­to Prac­tice – Re­search and Trans­for­ma­tion (Dolores Smith)
    The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht. (Elke Zobl)
    Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
  • Crit­i­cal White­ness in Ped­a­gog­i­cal Prac­tice -​ (Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
    how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
  • Lost in edu­ca­ti­on? Kul­Tür auf! (Ahmed Shah, Nils Erhard)
    «We don’t want inclusion, nor participation, nor integration, what we want is SELF emancipation» (from Schwarzkopf BRD, JugendtheaterBüro Berlin). The paper, based on experiences from the work of ...
  • «In­te­gra­tion as An­ti-​Re­flec­tive Coat­ing» (Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
    Con­sid­er­ing His­tor­i­cal-​Po­lit­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion and Mem­o­ry Work with Young Peo­ple of Col­or in Ger­many Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
  • AUS MIT RAUS (Eva Lausegger)
    or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
  • En­gage­ment and vis­i­bil­i­ty. Who ben­e­fits? (Henrike Plegge)
    Work­ing with young mi­grants in gallery ed­u­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
  • Who hears as I do and to whom do I be­long? (Dorothee Barth)
    About the no­tion of cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty in the con­text of an (in­ter­cul­tur­al) mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the question, how the «Intercultural Music Education» can contribute to...
  • How does school in­vest in the screen? (Simon Harder)
    In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
  • From The­o­ry in­to Prac­tice – Re­search and Trans­for­ma­tion (Dolores Smith)
    The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • The «work­shop about my­self» (Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
    Be­tween af­fir­ma­tion and am­bi­gu­i­ty Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
  • En­ab­ling ques­ti­ons (Ursula Ulrich)
    The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
  • From sitting on sifted knowledge. A reflection on the subconscious (Santi Michaela Grunewald, Zoë Katharina Haupts, Rebekka Hönnerscheid, Veronika Judith Senger)
    When did you last wash your hands? Can you still remember who it was that taught you to do it? How would you explain how we should wash our hands? While it might seem unusual to consider a simple activity like handwashing, it can make us aware of the ways in which we appropriate knowledge. We ass...
  • Des trous dans le présent (Antonia Röllin)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education (Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
    The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Objets, ambiances, actions : l’excursion comme constellation (Markus Schwander)
    Tant dans les projets de recherche artistique que dans l’enseignement, les excursions servent à étudier la perception de l’espace. Le fait de marcher ensemble est analysé comme une constellation permettant de reconnaître et d’influencer les facteurs qui déterminent l’action, c’est-à-dire de façon...
  • An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge (Anna Schürch)
    Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
  • Revue (Cornelia Dinsleder )
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • 3 Questions (Barnaby Drabble)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge (Anna Schürch)
    Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
  • Réflexion sur la médiation à la documenta fifteen (Jelena Toopeekoff)
    Cette contribution est une réflexion sur neuf entretiens avec des sobat-sobat du projet de recherche "The Art Educator's Walk II : Zur Situation der Kunstvermittler*innen auf der documenta fifteen", une enquête menée par Gila Kolb en collaboration avec Ayşe Güleç.
  • Grasping Gaps (Clara Laila Abid Alsstar, Mako Sangmongkhon)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n’est disponible.
  • A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time (Philip Rizk)
    This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
  • Objets, ambiances, actions : l’excursion comme constellation (Markus Schwander)
    Tant dans les projets de recherche artistique que dans l’enseignement, les excursions servent à étudier la perception de l’espace. Le fait de marcher ensemble est analysé comme une constellation permettant de reconnaître et d’influencer les facteurs qui déterminent l’action, c’est-à-dire de façon...
  • Objets, ambiances, actions : l’excursion comme constellation (Markus Schwander)
    Tant dans les projets de recherche artistique que dans l’enseignement, les excursions servent à étudier la perception de l’espace. Le fait de marcher ensemble est analysé comme une constellation permettant de reconnaître et d’influencer les facteurs qui déterminent l’action, c’est-à-dire de façon...
  • Sketch­es on Re­flex­iv­i­ty (Rubia Salgado)
    Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
  • Be­tween In­struc­tion and Self-​ed­u­ca­tion (Nanna Lüth)
    Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
  • Crip Ma­te­ri­als as Forms of Un_Uni­ver­si­ty Think­ing (Eva Egermann)
    In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Under Review: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts (Isabel Eisfeld)
    Isabelle Eisfeld, an art teacher at a Berlin comprehensive school, assesses the text anthology Untie to Tie: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts for its practicability in real-world contexts. She reflects upon three articles and their potential to shape school materials to be more diverse, and ...
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • Les sauts micropédagogiques dans le contexte de l'éducation esthétique (Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
    L’éducation esthétique est un vaste projet civilisationnel, éducatif et politique, que le présent article explore pour l’époque actuelle à travers des sauts micro-pédagogiques. Le concept de micro-pédagogie n’est pas encore clairement défini en pédagogie artistique. Dans le cadre du discours péda...
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • Art School with mi­gra­tion back­ground (Catrin Seefranz)
    Pre­lim­i­nary thoughts based on a study of in­equal­i­ty in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
  • A post­colo­nial per­spec­tive on il­le­gal­ized im­mi­gra­tion in Switzer­land: (Francesca Falk)
    On de­por­ta­tions, the «ex­change with Africa» and the fear of re­verse col­o­niza­tion In her text, Francesca Falk connects contemporary illegalized immigration and the postcolonial constellation...
  • Refugees as «ma­te­r­i­al» for art projects? (Das AntikultiAtelier)
    An­ti­kul­ti­Ate­lier We are a group of people living in Switzerland and working on asylum and migration policies, racism and representation: many of us as refugees, others as migrants or Swiss. In...
  • Aes­thet­ic ed­u­ca­tion and art teach­ing (Paul Mecheril)
    Notes from the per­spec­tive of mi­gra­tion ped­a­gogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
  • Sketch­es on Re­flex­iv­i­ty (Rubia Salgado)
    Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
  • «In­te­gra­tion as An­ti-​Re­flec­tive Coat­ing» (Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
    Con­sid­er­ing His­tor­i­cal-​Po­lit­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion and Mem­o­ry Work with Young Peo­ple of Col­or in Ger­many Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
  • The com­plex task of self-​chang­ing (Büro trafo. K)
    Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
  • «Sich Verze­ich­nen» – with and through dif­fer­ences (Mikki Muhr)
    Build­ing re­la­tions and leav­ing rests in car­togra­phies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
  • En­gage­ment and vis­i­bil­i­ty. Who ben­e­fits? (Henrike Plegge)
    Work­ing with young mi­grants in gallery ed­u­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
  • Who hears as I do and to whom do I be­long? (Dorothee Barth)
    About the no­tion of cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty in the con­text of an (in­ter­cul­tur­al) mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the question, how the «Intercultural Music Education» can contribute to...
  • Mem­o­ry, Archive and Me­di­a­tion (Felipe Polanía)
    Ap­proach­es for me­di­a­tion prac­tice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
  • «Ma­te­r­i­al Mem­o­ry» and Post­mi­grant So­ci­ety (Jonas Bürgi)
    Pro­pos­als for col­lec­tion de­vel­op­ment and in­ter­pre­ta­tion at the Swiss Na­tion­al Mu­se­um National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
  • Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education  (Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
    Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
  • Nanna Lüth ()
    Art | A Crit­i­cal Per­spec­tive on Racism | Art Ed­u­ca­tion On Fragili­ty and Re­sis­tance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
  • Ped­a­gogy for Democ­ra­cy. Art/Ed­u­ca­tion against Racism (Nanna Lüth)
    In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
  • *foundationClass - the book (Gürsoy Doğtaş)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • The vis­i­tors are miss­ing. Which vis­i­tors? (Nora Landkammer)
    A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
  • Per­form­ing the ed­u­ca­tor (Bernadett Settele)
    What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
  • Per­for­ma­tive in­ter­ven­tions (Sandra Ortmann)
    A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • Gallery ed­u­ca­tion – per­for­mance – the dif­fer­end (Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
    The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
  • Au­ton­o­my with­in the in­sti­tu­tion (Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
    To­wards a crit­i­cal art ed­u­ca­tion The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
  • Lear­ning from Kas­sel (Wanda Wieczorek, Ayşe Güleç, Carmen Mörsch)
    The fifth issue of Art Education Research, entitled «Von Kassel lernen» (Learning from Kassel) reflects on the intersection between cultural and political education, and is based on the example of ...
  • Sketch­es on Re­flex­iv­i­ty (Rubia Salgado)
    Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
  • Be­tween In­struc­tion and Self-​ed­u­ca­tion (Nanna Lüth)
    Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
  • In­hab­it­ed, fa­mil­iar, dis­rupt­ed. (Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
    An «oth­er» in­sti­tu­tion of con­tem­po­rary art in rep­re­sen­ta­tions of gallery ed­u­ca­tion? This article develops a description of two regimes of representation at the center of communication...
  • Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit (Ayşe Güleç)
    Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
  • Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria (Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
    Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
  • Pratiques éphémères. Le projet de recherche "The Art Educator's Walk" – Agir et attitude des médiatrices et médiateurs en art contemporain à l’exemple de l’exposition documenta 14 à Kassel (Gila Kolb)
    Comment les médiateurs d'art peuvent-ils créer une situation dans laquelle l'art contemporain peut être médiatisé ? Quelle attitude développent-ils à l'égard de leurs activités de médiation artistique ? Quelles sont les stratégies qu'ils développent ? Lors de l'exposition documenta 14 (2017), da...
  • Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy (Bernadett Settele)
    To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
  • Contre-rituels : De-ception comme méthode de médiation artistique anticoloniale (Thesea Efstathopoulos)
    Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat sobat. Sur la base de l'expérience d'une visite guidée, il sera montré comment l'Ent-täuschung peut...
  • Trois questions à... (Hannah Horst)
    Les revues d’art proposent généralement des articles sur des expositions en cours ou à venir. La revue électronique de la SSPA e Journal Art Education Research souhaite reprendre ce format, et le transposer au domaine de la pédagogie de l’art. Chaque numéro présente ainsi un projet de pédagogie d...
  • Lear­ning from Kas­sel (Wanda Wieczorek, Ayşe Güleç, Carmen Mörsch)
    The fifth issue of Art Education Research, entitled «Von Kassel lernen» (Learning from Kassel) reflects on the intersection between cultural and political education, and is based on the example of ...
  • «At­tached, please find my im­age archive» (Anne Gruber)
    Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
  • Learning Lab Arts and Design: Collecte de données en pédagogie de l’art et du design (Dorothée King)
    La Biennale de design d’Istanbul 2018 consistait en six écoles pop-up, dont le cadre général était «le design en tant qu’apprentissage et l’apprentissage en tant que design» . Proclamé dans les arts depuis plus d’une décennie, le phénomène appelé «tournant pédagogique» s’étend ainsi au monde du ...
  • Les sauts micropédagogiques dans le contexte de l'éducation esthétique (Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
    L’éducation esthétique est un vaste projet civilisationnel, éducatif et politique, que le présent article explore pour l’époque actuelle à travers des sauts micro-pédagogiques. Le concept de micro-pédagogie n’est pas encore clairement défini en pédagogie artistique. Dans le cadre du discours péda...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • Sketch­es on Re­flex­iv­i­ty (Rubia Salgado)
    Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
  • What are we do­ing here? (Claus Melter)
    Re­flec­tions on bar­ri­ers and dis­crim­i­na­tion in ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
  • Para­dox and dis­sent (Groupe l’Aventin)
    re­flex­ions on the­atre ed­u­ca­tion in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety The paper reflects on a theatre education project the Groupe l’Aventin developed with migrant women attending at the association Camar...
  • Cy­borg Ex­its in the Class­room (Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
    Body-​het­eroglos­sia and crip tools for dirty knowl­edges in art teach­ing Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
  • Un­learn­ing to Re­late (Annette Krauss)
    How to approach processes of unlearning physically, intellectually, and collaboratively? This question has been at the core of my study and practice of unlearning in different constellations at the...
  • Counter/Act­ing: Per­for­ma­tive Poros­i­ty (Elke Krasny)
    Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
  • Crip Ma­te­ri­als as Forms of Un_Uni­ver­si­ty Think­ing (Eva Egermann)
    In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
  • Questions of Inside and Outside – resolved in the utopia of communal,[1] anti-hegemonic knowledge production (Die „Universität der Ignorant_innen“)
    Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
  • Le quotidien comme terrain d'expérimentation de l'éducation performative (Linda Luv)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else (Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
    We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...
  • Re­vis­it­ing Eval­u­a­tion (Emily Pringle)
    This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
  • Drei Fragen an... Beate Florenz (Beate Florenz)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Objets, ambiances, actions : l’excursion comme constellation (Markus Schwander)
    Tant dans les projets de recherche artistique que dans l’enseignement, les excursions servent à étudier la perception de l’espace. Le fait de marcher ensemble est analysé comme une constellation permettant de reconnaître et d’influencer les facteurs qui déterminent l’action, c’est-à-dire de façon...
    L’étude «Dessiner – parler – montrer» s’intéresse à la manière dont les échanges communicatifs influencent la conception et la réalisation du dessin dans le cadre de l’enseignement artistique. Le but de cette étude est une analyse à la fois empirique et ancrée dans la théorie (de la pratique). El...
  • reise zum :) (Helen Stefanie)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else (Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
    We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...
  • Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education (Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
    The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
  • Trois questions à... (Hannah Horst)
    Les revues d’art proposent généralement des articles sur des expositions en cours ou à venir. La revue électronique de la SSPA e Journal Art Education Research souhaite reprendre ce format, et le transposer au domaine de la pédagogie de l’art. Chaque numéro présente ainsi un projet de pédagogie d...
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • Editorial Ausgabe 16 (Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Fluctuating (Havin Al-Sindy)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n’est disponible.
  • Drei Fragen an... Beate Florenz (Beate Florenz)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Objets, ambiances, actions : l’excursion comme constellation (Markus Schwander)
    Tant dans les projets de recherche artistique que dans l’enseignement, les excursions servent à étudier la perception de l’espace. Le fait de marcher ensemble est analysé comme une constellation permettant de reconnaître et d’influencer les facteurs qui déterminent l’action, c’est-à-dire de façon...
  • «Mu­sic has a mean­ing to me» (Martina Krause-Benz)
    Mean­ing con­struc­tion in mu­sic class­es as a di­men­sion of mu­sic re­lat­ed ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the educational potential of music classes in which music-related meaning is constr...
  • Aes­thet­ic ar­gu­ments as a medi­um of mu­sic class­es (Christian Rolle)
    About the sig­nif­i­cance of the ar­gu­ment-​based speech about mu­sic for aes­thet­ic ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the educational potential of aesthetic arguments in music classes. The descr...
  • Mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion as crit­i­cal cul­tur­al sci­ences – re­vis­it­ed (Jürgen Vogt)
    This paper contains meta-theoretical considerations about the status of the research in music education. The author states, that music education – at least in Germany – concentrates on «Empirical ...
  • In­di­vid­ual con­cepts of mu­sic teach­ers (Anne Niessen)
    An em­pir­i­cal study as a con­tri­bu­tion to ba­sic re­search in mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion This paper gives an insight into an empirical study about individual concepts of music teachers. Interviews abo...
  • Be­tween canon an so­cio-​cul­ture (Olivier Blanchard, Jürg Huber)
    Ex­plo­rations on the field of school mu­sic in the Ger­man speak­ing part of Switzer­land This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
  • Who hears as I do and to whom do I be­long? (Dorothee Barth)
    About the no­tion of cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty in the con­text of an (in­ter­cul­tur­al) mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the question, how the «Intercultural Music Education» can contribute to...
  • Learned dur­ing leisure time, processed in school (Christoph Marty)
    The aim of the praxis-based research project in music pedagogy presented in this contribution involves in-class processing of musical competence and knowledge that music students have acquired out...
  • Materialien zum Selbststudium (Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
    Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
  • «By eat­ing an ap­ple, you’re eat­ing the scenery.» (Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
    In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
  • Stimm­los 2 – Re­hearsal (Simon Harder)
    Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
  • On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education (Rahel Puffert)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • Art Society Education (Luise Ramm)
    In three video works, Luise Ramm seeks artistic answers to social issues in educational contexts, raising new questions along the way. The works are made up of performative elements and each deal with one of three terms: art, society, and education. The starting point for the videos is the sphere...
  • Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play (Mariano Gaich)
    In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
  • questionnement dans l'éducation artistique (Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Trois questions à... (Hannah Horst)
    Les revues d’art proposent généralement des articles sur des expositions en cours ou à venir. La revue électronique de la SSPA e Journal Art Education Research souhaite reprendre ce format, et le transposer au domaine de la pédagogie de l’art. Chaque numéro présente ainsi un projet de pédagogie d...
  • À propos de la recherche actuelle en pédagogie artistique en Suisse (Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
    Entretien avec Ruth Kunz, octobre 2019. Le symposium «Le regard professionnalisé» a eu lieu en 2019, peu après la publication du volume du même nom. La revue électronique de la SSPA «Art Education Research» est consacrée à la recherche actuelle en pédagogie de l’art en Suisse, et le premier numér...
  • Editorial Ausgabe 16 (Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Revue (Gitta Bertram)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
    L’étude «Dessiner – parler – montrer» s’intéresse à la manière dont les échanges communicatifs influencent la conception et la réalisation du dessin dans le cadre de l’enseignement artistique. Le but de cette étude est une analyse à la fois empirique et ancrée dans la théorie (de la pratique). El...
  • À propos de la recherche actuelle en pédagogie artistique en Suisse (Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
    Entretien avec Ruth Kunz, octobre 2019. Le symposium «Le regard professionnalisé» a eu lieu en 2019, peu après la publication du volume du même nom. La revue électronique de la SSPA «Art Education Research» est consacrée à la recherche actuelle en pédagogie de l’art en Suisse, et le premier numér...
    L’étude «Dessiner – parler – montrer» s’intéresse à la manière dont les échanges communicatifs influencent la conception et la réalisation du dessin dans le cadre de l’enseignement artistique. Le but de cette étude est une analyse à la fois empirique et ancrée dans la théorie (de la pratique). El...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • À propos de la recherche actuelle en pédagogie artistique en Suisse (Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
    Entretien avec Ruth Kunz, octobre 2019. Le symposium «Le regard professionnalisé» a eu lieu en 2019, peu après la publication du volume du même nom. La revue électronique de la SSPA «Art Education Research» est consacrée à la recherche actuelle en pédagogie de l’art en Suisse, et le premier numér...
  • Conversations conflictuelles : La médiation artistique en tant qu'éducation politique (Shirin Graf)
    En réfléchissant à mes propres expériences subjectives de travail en tant que sobat à la documenta fifteen, je discute des conflits et des tensions que j'ai rencontrés entre les différents rôles, intérêts et opinions. Mon objectif est d'articuler les problèmes que j'ai rencontrés et d'examiner co...
  • Under Review: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts (Isabel Eisfeld)
    Isabelle Eisfeld, an art teacher at a Berlin comprehensive school, assesses the text anthology Untie to Tie: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts for its practicability in real-world contexts. She reflects upon three articles and their potential to shape school materials to be more diverse, and ...
  • Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play (Mariano Gaich)
    In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else (Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
    We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...
  • A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time (Philip Rizk)
    This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
    L’étude «Dessiner – parler – montrer» s’intéresse à la manière dont les échanges communicatifs influencent la conception et la réalisation du dessin dans le cadre de l’enseignement artistique. Le but de cette étude est une analyse à la fois empirique et ancrée dans la théorie (de la pratique). El...
  • Les sauts micropédagogiques dans le contexte de l'éducation esthétique (Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
    L’éducation esthétique est un vaste projet civilisationnel, éducatif et politique, que le présent article explore pour l’époque actuelle à travers des sauts micro-pédagogiques. Le concept de micro-pédagogie n’est pas encore clairement défini en pédagogie artistique. Dans le cadre du discours péda...
  • From The­o­ry in­to Prac­tice – Re­search and Trans­for­ma­tion (Dolores Smith)
    The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
  • What are we do­ing here? (Claus Melter)
    Re­flec­tions on bar­ri­ers and dis­crim­i­na­tion in ed­u­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
  • The com­plex task of self-​chang­ing (Büro trafo. K)
    Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
  • AUS MIT RAUS (Eva Lausegger)
    or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
  • «Sich Verze­ich­nen» – with and through dif­fer­ences (Mikki Muhr)
    Build­ing re­la­tions and leav­ing rests in car­togra­phies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
  • Be­tween canon an so­cio-​cul­ture (Olivier Blanchard, Jürg Huber)
    Ex­plo­rations on the field of school mu­sic in the Ger­man speak­ing part of Switzer­land This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
  • The taste of an­oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty (Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
    We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
  • How does school in­vest in the screen? (Simon Harder)
    In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
  • (Un)learn­ing Taste in the every­day (at school) (Danja Erni)
    How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
  • «At­tached, please find my im­age archive» (Anne Gruber)
    Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
  • Learned dur­ing leisure time, processed in school (Christoph Marty)
    The aim of the praxis-based research project in music pedagogy presented in this contribution involves in-class processing of musical competence and knowledge that music students have acquired out...
  • En­ab­ling ques­ti­ons (Ursula Ulrich)
    The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
  • Af­ter re­flec­tion is be­fore re­flec­tion: (Andreas Bürgisser)
    think­ing about the con­di­tion­al­i­ty of col­lab­o­ra­tive the­atre ped­a­gogy in schools In his text, Andreas Bürgisser, as a former FLAKS collaborator, considers the significance of FLAKS towar...
  • The Liv­ing School (Brandon LaBElle)
    The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
  • Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education  (Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
    Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
  • Under Review: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts (Isabel Eisfeld)
    Isabelle Eisfeld, an art teacher at a Berlin comprehensive school, assesses the text anthology Untie to Tie: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts for its practicability in real-world contexts. She reflects upon three articles and their potential to shape school materials to be more diverse, and ...
  • Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education (Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
    The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
  • Anthologie florale (Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
    Notre projet de longue date intitulé Connected in Isolation s’est d’abord concentré sur la pluralité des approches et des représentations des objets de la nature, qui se trouvent détachés de leur c...
  • A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht. (Elke Zobl)
    Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
  • Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung (Bernadett Settele)
    In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
  • The com­plex task of self-​chang­ing (Büro trafo. K)
    Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
  • «By eat­ing an ap­ple, you’re eat­ing the scenery.» (Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
    In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
  • How does school in­vest in the screen? (Simon Harder)
    In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • Des trous dans le présent (Antonia Röllin)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Médiation éphémère/Transmettre l'éphémère (Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Contre-rituels : De-ception comme méthode de médiation artistique anticoloniale (Thesea Efstathopoulos)
    Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat sobat. Sur la base de l'expérience d'une visite guidée, il sera montré comment l'Ent-täuschung peut...
  • Humus (Christiane Hamacher)
    Nicht übersetzt
  • reise zum :) (Helen Stefanie)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • From sitting on sifted knowledge. A reflection on the subconscious (Santi Michaela Grunewald, Zoë Katharina Haupts, Rebekka Hönnerscheid, Veronika Judith Senger)
    When did you last wash your hands? Can you still remember who it was that taught you to do it? How would you explain how we should wash our hands? While it might seem unusual to consider a simple activity like handwashing, it can make us aware of the ways in which we appropriate knowledge. We ass...
  • Conversations conflictuelles : La médiation artistique en tant qu'éducation politique (Shirin Graf)
    En réfléchissant à mes propres expériences subjectives de travail en tant que sobat à la documenta fifteen, je discute des conflits et des tensions que j'ai rencontrés entre les différents rôles, intérêts et opinions. Mon objectif est d'articuler les problèmes que j'ai rencontrés et d'examiner co...
  • Trois questions à... Büro trafo.K (Büro trafo. K)
    Questionner et remettre en question à travers l'éducation artistique - qu'est-ce que cela peut faire ? Dans trois réponses, le Büro trafo.K poursuit la question du questionnement. Ils illustrent des stratégies, des limites et des questions exemplaires, en laissent d'autres ouvertes et offrent un ...
  • Agency at the mar­gins of pow­er (Andrea Hubin)
    Lo­cat­ing a gallery ed­u­ca­tion that op­er­ates with con­cepts of per­for­ma­tiv­i­ty Why is gallery education interested in performativity? Between fights for recognition, reflection on one’s ow...
  • The vis­i­tors are miss­ing. Which vis­i­tors? (Nora Landkammer)
    A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • Gallery ed­u­ca­tion – per­for­mance – the dif­fer­end (Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
    The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
  • Sketch­es on Re­flex­iv­i­ty (Rubia Salgado)
    Learn­ing the hege­mo­ni­al lan­guage in mu­se­ums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
  • Aes­thet­ic ar­gu­ments as a medi­um of mu­sic class­es (Christian Rolle)
    About the sig­nif­i­cance of the ar­gu­ment-​based speech about mu­sic for aes­thet­ic ed­u­ca­tion This paper discusses the educational potential of aesthetic arguments in music classes. The descr...
  • In­di­vid­ual con­cepts of mu­sic teach­ers (Anne Niessen)
    An em­pir­i­cal study as a con­tri­bu­tion to ba­sic re­search in mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion This paper gives an insight into an empirical study about individual concepts of music teachers. Interviews abo...
  • Unterrichtssprache - Working Language (Marlene Lahmer)
    The choice of a working language influences the content and type of discussions and creates in and out groups. At an art university in the German-speaking world, should one speak English due to the...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Gestalt et bienformation: Les enfants dessinent des corps spatials (Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
    Ce texte présente le cadre théorique de notre étude sur dessiner spatialment dans le contexte de l'école primaire. Nous étudions comment les enfants représentent graphiquement un seul corps spatial. C'est l'un des trois aspects du dessin de la représentation spatiale des enfants. Les autres conce...
  • The­ater­ver­mit­tlung [The­atre Ed­u­ca­tion] as Ob­ject of Re­search (Ute Pinkert)
    According to Ute Pinkert the decisive characteristic of theatre pedagogy at theatres is the connection to the institution theatre. For this specific research area she introduces the term «Theaterv...
  • Para­dox and dis­sent (Groupe l’Aventin)
    re­flex­ions on the­atre ed­u­ca­tion in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety The paper reflects on a theatre education project the Groupe l’Aventin developed with migrant women attending at the association Camar...
  • Lost in edu­ca­ti­on? Kul­Tür auf! (Ahmed Shah, Nils Erhard)
    «We don’t want inclusion, nor participation, nor integration, what we want is SELF emancipation» (from Schwarzkopf BRD, JugendtheaterBüro Berlin). The paper, based on experiences from the work of ...
  • En­ab­ling ques­ti­ons (Ursula Ulrich)
    The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
  • Af­ter re­flec­tion is be­fore re­flec­tion: (Andreas Bürgisser)
    think­ing about the con­di­tion­al­i­ty of col­lab­o­ra­tive the­atre ped­a­gogy in schools In his text, Andreas Bürgisser, as a former FLAKS collaborator, considers the significance of FLAKS towar...
  • Stimm­los 2 – Re­hearsal (Simon Harder)
    Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
  • Revue (Cornelia Dinsleder )
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • L'idée vient en dessinant (Malin Widén)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
    L’étude «Dessiner – parler – montrer» s’intéresse à la manière dont les échanges communicatifs influencent la conception et la réalisation du dessin dans le cadre de l’enseignement artistique. Le but de cette étude est une analyse à la fois empirique et ancrée dans la théorie (de la pratique). El...
  • Editorial (Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • reise zum :) (Helen Stefanie)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • Per­form­ing the ed­u­ca­tor (Bernadett Settele)
    What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht (Danja Erni)
    Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
  • Em­pow­er­ment as a strat­e­gy of ac­tion against racism (Žaklina Mamutovič)
    Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
  • Crit­i­cal White­ness in Ped­a­gog­i­cal Prac­tice -​ (Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
    how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
  • AUS MIT RAUS (Eva Lausegger)
    or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
  • En­gage­ment and vis­i­bil­i­ty. Who ben­e­fits? (Henrike Plegge)
    Work­ing with young mi­grants in gallery ed­u­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
  • The «work­shop about my­self» (Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
    Be­tween af­fir­ma­tion and am­bi­gu­i­ty Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
  • The taste of an­oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty (Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
    We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
  • How does school in­vest in the screen? (Simon Harder)
    In­Vis­i­bil­i­ties and so­cio-​po­lit­i­cal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of art ed­u­ca­tion This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
  • (Un)learn­ing Taste in the every­day (at school) (Danja Erni)
    How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
  • «At­tached, please find my im­age archive» (Anne Gruber)
    Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
  • Teach­ing method­ol­o­gy, re­search-​based: (Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
    think­ing about the re­search ap­pren­tice­ship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
  • Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education  (Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
    Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
  • Sown by Scat­ter­ing: Re­flec­tions on an Un­re­al­ized Com­mis­sion for an Artis­tic Project at an Asy­lum Cen­ter (Pascal Schwaighofer)
    What are the implications of a commissioned monument that envisages a participatory process between an artist and the inhabitants of an asylum center? From defining the context and identifying the ...
  • Die Fesseln der Übersetzung – Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen (Lineo Segoete)
    Lineo Segoete Die Fesseln der Übersetzung –Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen Mit Beiträgen von Liepollo Moleleki und Zachary Rosen In ihrem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alphabetisierung und der...
  • Wandering About: An Experiment in Walking and Learning (Kitto Derrick Wintergreen)
    In 2016 Wintergreen started introducing the format of walking lectures to his students at the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD/Uganda), aiming to encourage them to observe and...
  • Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts (Agnes Biya, Eva Maria Klein, Luise Ramm)
    “Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts” is a research project led by the prospective teachers Agnes Biya, Luise Ramm, and Eva Marie Klein, carried out in collaboration with the artists Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon and with the support of Silke Ballath. Togeth...
  • Conversations conflictuelles : La médiation artistique en tant qu'éducation politique (Shirin Graf)
    En réfléchissant à mes propres expériences subjectives de travail en tant que sobat à la documenta fifteen, je discute des conflits et des tensions que j'ai rencontrés entre les différents rôles, intérêts et opinions. Mon objectif est d'articuler les problèmes que j'ai rencontrés et d'examiner co...
  • Réflexion sur la médiation à la documenta fifteen (Jelena Toopeekoff)
    Cette contribution est une réflexion sur neuf entretiens avec des sobat-sobat du projet de recherche "The Art Educator's Walk II : Zur Situation der Kunstvermittler*innen auf der documenta fifteen", une enquête menée par Gila Kolb en collaboration avec Ayşe Güleç.
  • 3 questions à... Mirl Redmann (Mirl Redmann)
    Dans l'interview "3 Questions for...", Mirl Redmann réfléchit à l'histoire de la documenta dans le contexte des processus d'altérisation au sein de la médiation de la science et de l'art, soulignant les lacunes dans la recherche existante sur la série d'expositions qui doivent être abordées. "3 Q...
  • Ac­ti­vat­ing the Dis­play (Karin Schneider)
    The­ses from the Re­search Project „sci­ence with all sens­es – sci­ence and gen­der in the mak­ing“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
  • Re­vis­it­ing Eval­u­a­tion (Emily Pringle)
    This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
  • Per­form­ing the ed­u­ca­tor (Bernadett Settele)
    What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
  • Per­for­ma­tive in­ter­ven­tions (Sandra Ortmann)
    A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
  • Art School with mi­gra­tion back­ground (Catrin Seefranz)
    Pre­lim­i­nary thoughts based on a study of in­equal­i­ty in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
  • Crit­i­cal White­ness in Ped­a­gog­i­cal Prac­tice -​ (Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
    how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
  • «In­te­gra­tion as An­ti-​Re­flec­tive Coat­ing» (Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
    Con­sid­er­ing His­tor­i­cal-​Po­lit­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion and Mem­o­ry Work with Young Peo­ple of Col­or in Ger­many Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
  • The com­plex task of self-​chang­ing (Büro trafo. K)
    Prac­tices and ques­tions in ed­u­ca­tion­al projects in mi­gra­tion so­ci­ety Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
  • AUS MIT RAUS (Eva Lausegger)
    or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
  • En­gage­ment and vis­i­bil­i­ty. Who ben­e­fits? (Henrike Plegge)
    Work­ing with young mi­grants in gallery ed­u­ca­tion and ex­hi­bi­tions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
  • The «work­shop about my­self» (Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
    Be­tween af­fir­ma­tion and am­bi­gu­i­ty Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
  • Un­learn­ing to Re­late (Annette Krauss)
    How to approach processes of unlearning physically, intellectually, and collaboratively? This question has been at the core of my study and practice of unlearning in different constellations at the...
  • Front Cov­ers for Vir­tu­al Es­says and Non-​Ex­is­tent Books, 2004-​2016 (Roee Rosen)
    The board presented here, echoing those found in school libraries, was made for the exhibition Art School, curated by Avi Lubin at Tel Aviv Museum of Art in 2016. Celebrating the 70th anniversary o...
  • From sitting on sifted knowledge. A reflection on the subconscious (Santi Michaela Grunewald, Zoë Katharina Haupts, Rebekka Hönnerscheid, Veronika Judith Senger)
    When did you last wash your hands? Can you still remember who it was that taught you to do it? How would you explain how we should wash our hands? While it might seem unusual to consider a simple activity like handwashing, it can make us aware of the ways in which we appropriate knowledge. We ass...
  • Conversations conflictuelles : La médiation artistique en tant qu'éducation politique (Shirin Graf)
    En réfléchissant à mes propres expériences subjectives de travail en tant que sobat à la documenta fifteen, je discute des conflits et des tensions que j'ai rencontrés entre les différents rôles, intérêts et opinions. Mon objectif est d'articuler les problèmes que j'ai rencontrés et d'examiner co...
  • The vis­i­tors are miss­ing. Which vis­i­tors? (Nora Landkammer)
    A re­flex­ion on the Sym­po­sium KUN­ST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
  • Per­form­ing the ed­u­ca­tor (Bernadett Settele)
    What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
  • How speech­less­ness can lead to ac­tion (Julia Draxler)
    The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
  • Teach­ing the world to the arts (Wanda Wieczorek)
    Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
  • Quelle est la couleur de Dieu ? (Julia Schäfer)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Contre-rituels : De-ception comme méthode de médiation artistique anticoloniale (Thesea Efstathopoulos)
    Cet article traite du désenchantement (trans. Enttäuschung) en tant que méthode de médiation artistique. Il est présenté du point de vue d'un médiateur artistique du d15 qui a travaillé comme sobat sobat. Sur la base de l'expérience d'une visite guidée, il sera montré comment l'Ent-täuschung peut...
  • Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play (Mariano Gaich)
    In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
  • Des trous dans le présent (Antonia Röllin)
    En ce moment-même, aucune traduction n'est disponible.
  • Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education (Michel Massmünster)
    The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
  • Collaboration + Art Education (Anja Schiefer, Annika Niemann, Eva Maria Klein, Maya Wendler, Naomi Bodner, Silke Ballath )
    The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, ...
  • From sitting on sifted knowledge. A reflection on the subconscious (Santi Michaela Grunewald, Zoë Katharina Haupts, Rebekka Hönnerscheid, Veronika Judith Senger)
    When did you last wash your hands? Can you still remember who it was that taught you to do it? How would you explain how we should wash our hands? While it might seem unusual to consider a simple activity like handwashing, it can make us aware of the ways in which we appropriate knowledge. We ass...
  • Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing (Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
    This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
  • A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time (Philip Rizk)
    This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
  • On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else (Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
    We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...