Towards Other Openings: An Attempt
(Raphael Daibert )
In a poetic manner, the text combines the author's practices with current social issues and negotiates multilingually between shared knowledge, more-than-human positionality, as well as strategies of poisoning/detoxification.
Representation and the Critique of Representation in Visual Culture. Focus: gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
Engagement and visibility. Who benefits?
(Henrike Plegge)
Working with young migrants in gallery education and exhibitions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
3 Questions for… Mirl Redman
(Mirl Redmann)
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing research about the exhibition series that need addressing. “3 Questions for…” is a short interview format ...
ability to judge
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Crip Materials as Forms of Un_University Thinking
(Eva Egermann)
In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
Acting with images
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
Recension: Radicalizing Care
(Helena Schmidt)
Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating. Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold und Vera Hofmann (Hg.) London: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Sternberg Press 2021.
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
Art School with migration background
(Catrin Seefranz)
Preliminary thoughts based on a study of inequality in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
Representation and the Critique of Representation in Visual Culture. Focus: gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
A postcolonial perspective on illegalized immigration in Switzerland:
(Francesca Falk)
On deportations, the «exchange with Africa» and the fear of reverse colonization In her text, Francesca Falk connects contemporary illegalized immigration and the postcolonial constellation...
From migrant to Muslim -
(Rifa’at Lenzin)
the problem of religious ascriptions for migrants of Islamic heritage How relevant is Islam for muslims living here? What actually makes one a Muslim? Today, the term Muslim is being emplo...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
The «workshop about myself»
(Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
Between affirmation and ambiguity Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
«Music has a meaning to me»
(Martina Krause-Benz)
Meaning construction in music classes as a dimension of music related education This paper discusses the educational potential of music classes in which music-related meaning is constr...
Teaching the world to the arts
(Wanda Wieczorek)
Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
Researching in and towards differences and contradictions:
(Marion Thuswald)
in search of critical approaches to professionalising in pedagogics There is a lack of socially critical approaches to professionalization in the education of pedagogues and also in the...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
Unlearning to Relate
(Annette Krauss)
How to approach processes of unlearning physically, intellectually, and collaboratively? This question has been at the core of my study and practice of unlearning in different constellations at the...
Pedagogical Reflexivity (Exercise).
(Rubia Salgado)
Introduction to the pedagogical lexicon of the present Access, access criteria, access options, adults with few formal qualifications, agency, anti-hegemonic knowledge production, certific...
What Emerges in the Silence of …
(Hong-Kai Wang)
In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit
(Ayşe Güleç)
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Sown by Scattering: Reflections on an Unrealized Commission for an Artistic Project at an Asylum Center
(Pascal Schwaighofer)
What are the implications of a commissioned monument that envisages a participatory process between an artist and the inhabitants of an asylum center? From defining the context and identifying the ...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Aesthetic education
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
aesthetic education
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
Aesthetic experience
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
Aesthetic knowledge
Drawing – Talking – Showing
(Nadia Bader)
The starting point of the study Drawing - Talking - Showing is the question of how communicative exchange in art teaching influences visual thinking and practice. The aim is an empirically founded and (practice-) theoretically contextualized conception of which influences and interactions arise b...
Aesthetic reflexivity
Drawing – Talking – Showing
(Nadia Bader)
The starting point of the study Drawing - Talking - Showing is the question of how communicative exchange in art teaching influences visual thinking and practice. The aim is an empirically founded and (practice-) theoretically contextualized conception of which influences and interactions arise b...
aesthetic research
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
3 Questions for... Beate Florenz
(Beate Florenz)
Our short-format interview “3 Questions for...” sees the art theorist and educator Beate Florenz answer questions on the links between aesthetics, space, educational processes, and artistic research, with a focus on the built environment and its role within education. She discusses walking’s pote...
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
Affirmative Strategien
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
age of the screen
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
Aktions-und Teamforschung
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Not for the impatient:
(Carmen Mörsch)
the sketch of a history of conflicting ideas and political trends in action research The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
Enabling questions
(Ursula Ulrich)
The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
(Cornelia Dinsleder )
No translation available at the moment.
No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural
(Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
always on
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Grasping Gaps
(Clara Laila Abid Alsstar, Mako Sangmongkhon)
“Grasping Gaps” is the title of the performative radio play by Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon. They deal with the field of tension between complaint, ambivalence and L:E:E:H:R:STELLEN. They summarize the process of their artistic research in the radio play and an additional visual...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing
(Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
anticipatory anthropology
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
questioning in art education
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn)
This 23rd issue of the e Journal Art Education Research is dedicated to asking questions in art education. We speak of "art education" both in the sense of the academic discipline, which is shaped by various fields of reference (cf. Meyer & Sabisch 2014) and at the same time has its own waywardn...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
Impressions of the sobat sobat experience - selected answers to an online questionnaire
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and practice of art mediators. The article shows a selection of the answers to the questions posed, but w...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
Impressions of the sobat sobat experience - selected answers to an online questionnaire
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and practice of art mediators. The article shows a selection of the answers to the questions posed, but w...
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
Built environment education for young people. Architects and urban planers using cultural heritage as a learning resource
(Marta Brković-Dodig , Sarah Klepp, Angela Million)
Built environment education (BEE) uses tangible objects produced by humans, which constitute our built environment (BE) (i.e. buildings, bridges, monuments) to enrich learning for children. Monuments as facets of our material culture can be focal points of BEE. Cultural heritage has been used as ...
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
art education
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
Revisiting Evaluation
(Emily Pringle)
This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Agency at the margins of power
(Andrea Hubin)
Locating a gallery education that operates with concepts of performativity Why is gallery education interested in performativity? Between fights for recognition, reflection on one’s ow...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Autonomy within the institution
(Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
Towards a critical art education The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
Theatervermittlung [Theatre Education] as Object of Research
(Ute Pinkert)
According to Ute Pinkert the decisive characteristic of theatre pedagogy at theatres is the connection to the institution theatre. For this specific research area she introduces the term «Theaterv...
Doing Is Recognizing and Recognizing Is Doing. The Inseparable Interrelation between Theory and Practice
(Barbara Putz-Plecko)
About the development of research and theory in the field of art-, gallery-, and cultural education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna The education of art teachers at the University of Appli...
Aesthetic Learning in Urban Space – Ongoing Syntheses of Practice and Theory
(Wolfgang Zacharias)
Wolfgang Zacharias’ contribution shows his interest in aesthetic and urban learning in the context of «Cultural Education 2.0». The text encompasses the experimental educational activities in publ...
Representation and the Critique of Representation in Visual Culture. Focus: gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
Aesthetic education and art teaching
(Paul Mecheril)
Notes from the perspective of migration pedagogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
From migrant to Muslim -
(Rifa’at Lenzin)
the problem of religious ascriptions for migrants of Islamic heritage How relevant is Islam for muslims living here? What actually makes one a Muslim? Today, the term Muslim is being emplo...
Thinking Through /Difference/ in Art Education Contexts
(jan jagodzinski)
Working the Third Space and Beyond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
Ordered Bodies, embodied Orders – about visual and linguistic representational patterns of gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
Engagement and visibility. Who benefits?
(Henrike Plegge)
Working with young migrants in gallery education and exhibitions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
Teaching the world to the arts
(Wanda Wieczorek)
Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit
(Ayşe Güleç)
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Wandering About: An Experiment in Walking and Learning
(Kitto Derrick Wintergreen)
In 2016 Wintergreen started introducing the format of walking lectures to his students at the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD/Uganda), aiming to encourage them to observe and...
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
GERMAN, NATURAL AND NAKED? The Colonial Entanglements of the Life Reform
(Saskia Köbschall)
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... die Tiefe Kümmernis*
(Die Tiefe Kümmernis)
Die Tiefe Kümmernis, a drag queen and museum art educator, answers three questions about her work in Vienna. She first explains the origin of her name and describes the beginnings of her work as an art educator. In the second answer, she explains how user-generated content on the internet makes t...
How much of a little is enough? An investigation of equipment, workspaces and lesson preparation in the field of visual design.
(Pamela Gardi)
No translation available at the moment.
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
(Cornelia Dinsleder )
No translation available at the moment.
questioning in art education
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn)
This 23rd issue of the e Journal Art Education Research is dedicated to asking questions in art education. We speak of "art education" both in the sense of the academic discipline, which is shaped by various fields of reference (cf. Meyer & Sabisch 2014) and at the same time has its own waywardn...
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Ver_Anderung am Beispiel der Kunstvermittlung auf der documenta fifteen (2022)
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
No translation available at the moment.
Reflection on mediation at documenta fifteen
(Jelena Toopeekoff)
The article is a reflection on nine interviews with sobat-sobat from the research project The Art Educator's Walk II: On the Situation of Art Educators at documenta fifteen. A survey by Gila Kolb in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç.
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
Three questions for...
(Hannah Horst)
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by making visible an art mediating position of ...
On Current Research in Swiss Art Education. An interview with Ruth Kunz in October 2019
(Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
The symposium Der professionalisierte Blick (The Professionalized Gaze) took place in 2019, shortly before the volume of the same name was published. For the first issue of the SFKP e Journal Art Education Research, which focuses on current art education research in Switzerland, the interview wit...
(Gitta Bertram)
No translation available at the moment.
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
3 Questions for… Mirl Redman
(Mirl Redmann)
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing research about the exhibition series that need addressing. “3 Questions for…” is a short interview format ...
Impressions of the sobat sobat experience - selected answers to an online questionnaire
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and practice of art mediators. The article shows a selection of the answers to the questions posed, but w...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
art educational practice
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Art lessons
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Do it yourself und Radikal Crafting. Wie radikal ist die Handarbeit? Zu Geschichte und Aktualität von Do it yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst.
(Sonja Eismann)
Sonja Eismann zeigt in ihrem Beitrag die Geschichte und Aktualität von Do-it-yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst auf. Sie geht der Frage der Etablierung dieser Gegenkultur nach, die sich An...
Flic Flac* - Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
Flic Flac* – Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht
(Danja Erni)
Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
Thinking Through /Difference/ in Art Education Contexts
(jan jagodzinski)
Working the Third Space and Beyond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
Critical Whiteness in Pedagogical Practice -
(Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
«Music has a meaning to me»
(Martina Krause-Benz)
Meaning construction in music classes as a dimension of music related education This paper discusses the educational potential of music classes in which music-related meaning is constr...
Individual concepts of music teachers
(Anne Niessen)
An empirical study as a contribution to basic research in music education This paper gives an insight into an empirical study about individual concepts of music teachers. Interviews abo...
Between canon an socio-culture
(Olivier Blanchard, Jürg Huber)
Explorations on the field of school music in the German speaking part of Switzerland This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
(Un)learning Taste in the everyday (at school)
(Danja Erni)
How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Teaching methodology, research-based:
(Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
thinking about the research apprenticeship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
Unterrichtssprache - Working Language
(Marlene Lahmer)
The choice of a working language influences the content and type of discussions and creates in and out groups. At an art university in the German-speaking world, should one speak English due to the...
‘Natural Art Education’ – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse
(Anna Schürch)
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
art mediation
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Art mediators / Art Teachers
Learning from Kassel
(Wanda Wieczorek, Ayşe Güleç, Carmen Mörsch)
The fifth issue of Art Education Research, entitled «Von Kassel lernen» (Learning from Kassel) reflects on the intersection between cultural and political education, and is based on the example of ...
«Attached, please find my image archive»
(Anne Gruber)
Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
art university
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
EcoArtLab: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
(Yvonne Schmidt)
The EcoArtLab at the Bern University of the Arts is a pilot project that aims to investigate how the interplay between artistic research and human geography or climate science can best contribute to the climate change debate. In this context, a summer school on Climate and the City was held in Be...
art-pedagogical contextualization
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
art-pedagogical knowledge
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
Reflection on mediation at documenta fifteen
(Jelena Toopeekoff)
The article is a reflection on nine interviews with sobat-sobat from the research project The Art Educator's Walk II: On the Situation of Art Educators at documenta fifteen. A survey by Gila Kolb in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç.
Artenübergreifendes Miteinander
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
artificial intelligence
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
artistic practice
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
Artistic processes
Revisiting Evaluation
(Emily Pringle)
This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
Performative interventions
(Sandra Ortmann)
A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Do it yourself und Radikal Crafting. Wie radikal ist die Handarbeit? Zu Geschichte und Aktualität von Do it yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst.
(Sonja Eismann)
Sonja Eismann zeigt in ihrem Beitrag die Geschichte und Aktualität von Do-it-yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst auf. Sie geht der Frage der Etablierung dieser Gegenkultur nach, die sich An...
Flic Flac* - Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
Flic Flac* – Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung
(Bernadett Settele)
In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
(Eva Lausegger)
or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
«Sich Verzeichnen» – with and through differences
(Mikki Muhr)
Building relations and leaving rests in cartographies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
Front Covers for Virtual Essays and Non-Existent Books, 2004-2016
(Roee Rosen)
The board presented here, echoing those found in school libraries, was made for the exhibition Art School, curated by Avi Lubin at Tel Aviv Museum of Art in 2016. Celebrating the 70th anniversary o...
Counter/Acting: Performative Porosity
(Elke Krasny)
Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
How to Speak with Your Mouth Full?
(Studio Without Master)
If every art school class can be perceived as a collective body, it is usually headed by a master. We want to keep this anatomical metaphor and symbolically decapitate it. The head is generally un...
The Living School
(Brandon LaBElle)
The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
The Anti-Lecture Multi_Verse
(Jamika Ajalon)
(unrehearsed) I aim to explore the ways in which artistic practice, academic research, and the blending of multilayered narratives destabilizes traditional, hegemonic sagacity, and static structu...
Acting Together: rethinking existing approaches to collective action
(Yen Noh)
This text investigates collective action as an artistic practice. Such practice is often collaborative and curatorial, both working within artist groups and by involving the audience and other art...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Sown by Scattering: Reflections on an Unrealized Commission for an Artistic Project at an Asylum Center
(Pascal Schwaighofer)
What are the implications of a commissioned monument that envisages a participatory process between an artist and the inhabitants of an asylum center? From defining the context and identifying the ...
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
artistic research
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
3 Questions for... Beate Florenz
(Beate Florenz)
Our short-format interview “3 Questions for...” sees the art theorist and educator Beate Florenz answer questions on the links between aesthetics, space, educational processes, and artistic research, with a focus on the built environment and its role within education. She discusses walking’s pote...
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
Things, Moods, Actions - The Walk as a Constellation
(Markus Schwander)
Both in artistic research projects and in teaching, walks are used to investigate the perception of space. Walking together is regarded as a constellation in order to recognize and influence the factors that determine the action, i.e. to shape collective action. Artistic examples will be used to ...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
EcoArtLab: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
(Yvonne Schmidt)
The EcoArtLab at the Bern University of the Arts is a pilot project that aims to investigate how the interplay between artistic research and human geography or climate science can best contribute to the climate change debate. In this context, a summer school on Climate and the City was held in Be...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Artistic research methods
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
Arts and Design
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Aufmerksamkeit an den Rändern
Sorting Shapes at the Edge of Awareness
(Sascha Willenbacher)
In this text Sascha Willenbacher deals with the practice of the cultural agent using the example of "Kulturagent.innen Schweiz". Along the concepts of ‘awareness at the margins’, ‘irritation’ and ‘subject position’, he reflects on this specific position in the conflicting fields of school and cul...
Augusto Boal
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
Art Society Education
(Luise Ramm)
In three video works, Luise Ramm seeks artistic answers to social issues in educational contexts, raising new questions along the way. The works are made up of performative elements and each deal with one of three terms: art, society, and education. The starting point for the videos is the sphere...
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Collaboration + Art Education
(Anja Schiefer, Annika Niemann, Eva Maria Klein, Maya Wendler, Naomi Bodner, Silke Ballath )
The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, ...
becoming research
Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing
(Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Grasping Gaps
(Clara Laila Abid Alsstar, Mako Sangmongkhon)
“Grasping Gaps” is the title of the performative radio play by Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon. They deal with the field of tension between complaint, ambivalence and L:E:E:H:R:STELLEN. They summarize the process of their artistic research in the radio play and an additional visual...
(Havin Al-Sindy)
In the video work “Fluctuating”, gaps become indications for a gaze that is new and has the potential to be expanded. Havin Al-Sindy asks where changes are possible and how we perceive them or become aware of them; learn to listen to them. But also where we can distance ourselves from them and re...
Bildnerisches Gestalten
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts
(Agnes Biya, Eva Maria Klein, Luise Ramm)
“Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts” is a research project led by the prospective teachers Agnes Biya, Luise Ramm, and Eva Marie Klein, carried out in collaboration with the artists Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon and with the support of Silke Ballath. Togeth...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Studying in Switzerland within the context of the Bologna Process
(Philippe Saner)
The article by sociologist Philippe Saner concentrates on the current conditions for studying at Swiss universities. He critically discusses the practices and effects of the so-called «Bologna Proc...
Whether we like it or not
(Agnieszka Czejkowska)
Cultural education and research based on external fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Doing Is Recognizing and Recognizing Is Doing. The Inseparable Interrelation between Theory and Practice
(Barbara Putz-Plecko)
About the development of research and theory in the field of art-, gallery-, and cultural education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna The education of art teachers at the University of Appli...
Jumping with delay on a moving train
(Barbara Bader)
Art Education Research at Universities of the Arts in Switzerland With this article Barbara Bader takes a look at the art education research field in Switzerland. According to the author th...
Learning from Kassel
(Wanda Wieczorek, Ayşe Güleç, Carmen Mörsch)
The fifth issue of Art Education Research, entitled «Von Kassel lernen» (Learning from Kassel) reflects on the intersection between cultural and political education, and is based on the example of ...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Music education as critical cultural sciences – revisited
(Jürgen Vogt)
This paper contains meta-theoretical considerations about the status of the research in music education. The author states, that music education – at least in Germany – concentrates on «Empirical ...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
‘Natural Art Education’ – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse
(Anna Schürch)
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
BildWerk Lucerne
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
Art Society Education
(Luise Ramm)
In three video works, Luise Ramm seeks artistic answers to social issues in educational contexts, raising new questions along the way. The works are made up of performative elements and each deal with one of three terms: art, society, and education. The starting point for the videos is the sphere...
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
body images
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
body knowledge
From sitting on sifted knowledge. A reflection on the subconscious
(Santi Michaela Grunewald, Zoë Katharina Haupts, Rebekka Hönnerscheid, Veronika Judith Senger)
When did you last wash your hands? Can you still remember who it was that taught you to do it? How would you explain how we should wash our hands? While it might seem unusual to consider a simple activity like handwashing, it can make us aware of the ways in which we appropriate knowledge. We ass...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
built environment
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
built environment education
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
Built environment education for young people. Architects and urban planers using cultural heritage as a learning resource
(Marta Brković-Dodig , Sarah Klepp, Angela Million)
Built environment education (BEE) uses tangible objects produced by humans, which constitute our built environment (BE) (i.e. buildings, bridges, monuments) to enrich learning for children. Monuments as facets of our material culture can be focal points of BEE. Cultural heritage has been used as ...
Caption this ???!?!?!
(Anja Lomparski, Jana Wodicka)
This article is a creative commentary and practical response to the film Everything but the World (DIS 2021). Stills and quotes from the film provide the basis for a consideration and development of its central motifs and issues – an open process in which the authors spin a wide web of associatio...
Recension: Radicalizing Care
(Helena Schmidt)
Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating. Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold und Vera Hofmann (Hg.) London: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Sternberg Press 2021.
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
Material Semiotics of Tenderness
(Seraina Dür , Jonas Gillmann)
We, Seraina Dür and Jonas Gillmann, have been working with thirteen pigeons on our project Parliament of Things, Animals, Plants, and Algorithms since 2019, creating performative settings that we act out together with the pigeons and other human and non-human actors. The concept of caring archite...
Caring Architecture
Material Semiotics of Tenderness
(Seraina Dür , Jonas Gillmann)
We, Seraina Dür and Jonas Gillmann, have been working with thirteen pigeons on our project Parliament of Things, Animals, Plants, and Algorithms since 2019, creating performative settings that we act out together with the pigeons and other human and non-human actors. The concept of caring archite...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
chicken rings
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
children's drawings
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing
(Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing
(Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
click work
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
climat activism
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
EcoArtLab: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
(Yvonne Schmidt)
The EcoArtLab at the Bern University of the Arts is a pilot project that aims to investigate how the interplay between artistic research and human geography or climate science can best contribute to the climate change debate. In this context, a summer school on Climate and the City was held in Be...
collaborative work
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
collect structure organize
How much of a little is enough? An investigation of equipment, workspaces and lesson preparation in the field of visual design.
(Pamela Gardi)
No translation available at the moment.
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
The Living School
(Brandon LaBElle)
The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
Museum of Burning Questions
(Nora Sternfeld)
Negotiating with reality at the Bergen Assembly 2016 Are exhibition contexts places of refuge for critical teaching and learning, precursors of their total economization, or both? And what does thi...
A Gentle Rawness
(Jianan Qu)
Before any kind of exchange, I think about being, seeing and feeling. In this sense, to feel something is more real than to study something. A comfortable way of being next to each other, with no ...
Questions of Inside and Outside – resolved in the utopia of communal,[1] anti-hegemonic knowledge production
(Die „Universität der Ignorant_innen“)
Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
Acting Together: rethinking existing approaches to collective action
(Yen Noh)
This text investigates collective action as an artistic practice. Such practice is often collaborative and curatorial, both working within artist groups and by involving the audience and other art...
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
Review: *foundationClass - the book
(Gürsoy Doğtaş)
No translation available at the moment.
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
collective thinking
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
Competence-oriented lessons
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
conditions of production
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
contemporary art
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Reflection on mediation at documenta fifteen
(Jelena Toopeekoff)
The article is a reflection on nine interviews with sobat-sobat from the research project The Art Educator's Walk II: On the Situation of Art Educators at documenta fifteen. A survey by Gila Kolb in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç.
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
(Cornelia Dinsleder )
No translation available at the moment.
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
Everything but Copyright: An Artistic-Pedagogical Perspective on Image Rights in the Digital Now
(Helena Schmidt)
This article is based on an interview with the Swiss artist Tamara Janes, whose series Copyright Swap experiments with scans taken from the New York Public Library Picture Collection. Working in collaboration with a lawyer specializing in image rights, Janes manipulated these images to produce ne...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Towards Other Openings: An Attempt
(Raphael Daibert )
In a poetic manner, the text combines the author's practices with current social issues and negotiates multilingually between shared knowledge, more-than-human positionality, as well as strategies of poisoning/detoxification.
counter images
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
critical art education
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
3 Questions for… Mirl Redman
(Mirl Redmann)
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing research about the exhibition series that need addressing. “3 Questions for…” is a short interview format ...
cross-curricular teaching
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
cultural heritage
Built environment education for young people. Architects and urban planers using cultural heritage as a learning resource
(Marta Brković-Dodig , Sarah Klepp, Angela Million)
Built environment education (BEE) uses tangible objects produced by humans, which constitute our built environment (BE) (i.e. buildings, bridges, monuments) to enrich learning for children. Monuments as facets of our material culture can be focal points of BEE. Cultural heritage has been used as ...
curriculum revision
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
(Zoé Hall)
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes...
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
Reviewed: Unlearning the Museum? Coloniality and Mediation in Ethnological Museums
(Gaëlle Shrot)
In these two volumes, Das Museum Verlernen? explores the field of education in ethnographic museums through a decolonial lens. Looking at the interaction between educators, artists and activists and the institution, it sheds a light on the dilemmas faced by actors in a conflicted field, as well a...
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
decolonizing the mind
A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time
(Philip Rizk)
This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Unwriting the Body
(Fouad Asfour)
Based on my lecture at Un_University platform in April 2016, this text is a collection of fragments from an ongoing practice of unwriting the body as deschooling option, drawing on Walter Mignolo’...
Crianza Or The Art of Nurtining – Andean Cosmovisions In Community Education
(Alejandro Cevallos, Sofía Olascoaga)
In this Interview with Alejandro Cevallos and Sofía Olascoaga, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on the trajectory of his work since his essay A propósito de Freire(Nurturance in the Andes, 2001), ...
The violence of Explaining Myself - The Binds of Translation
(Lineo Segoete)
Lineo Segoete Die Fesseln der Übersetzung –Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen Mit Beiträgen von Liepollo Moleleki und Zachary Rosen In ihrem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alphabetisierung und der...
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
Design process
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
design process
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
diagnoses of the present
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
Review: Beyond Molotovs
(Lena Hoppenkamps)
Beyond Molotovs: A Visual Handbook of Anti-Authoritarian Strategies is a new publication that brings together different perspectives aimed at achieving societal change on the basis of an anti-authoritarian understanding of democracy. It features 50 contributions by collectives, organizations, ass...
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Studying in Switzerland within the context of the Bologna Process
(Philippe Saner)
The article by sociologist Philippe Saner concentrates on the current conditions for studying at Swiss universities. He critically discusses the practices and effects of the so-called «Bologna Proc...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Teaching methodology, research-based:
(Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
thinking about the research apprenticeship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
The Living School
(Brandon LaBElle)
The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Crianza Or The Art of Nurtining – Andean Cosmovisions In Community Education
(Alejandro Cevallos, Sofía Olascoaga)
In this Interview with Alejandro Cevallos and Sofía Olascoaga, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on the trajectory of his work since his essay A propósito de Freire(Nurturance in the Andes, 2001), ...
Füreinander Sorgen in den Anden: Anmerkungen zu Paulo Freire
(Grimaldo Rengifo)
In his seminal essay Nurturance in the Andes, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on his early experiences with the use of the Freire literacy program in indigenous communities in northern Peru. He ...
Didactics of art & design
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Whether we like it or not
(Agnieszka Czejkowska)
Cultural education and research based on external fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Art School with migration background
(Catrin Seefranz)
Preliminary thoughts based on a study of inequality in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
Aesthetic education and art teaching
(Paul Mecheril)
Notes from the perspective of migration pedagogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
Thinking Through /Difference/ in Art Education Contexts
(jan jagodzinski)
Working the Third Space and Beyond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
Ordered Bodies, embodied Orders – about visual and linguistic representational patterns of gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
(Eva Lausegger)
or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
«Sich Verzeichnen» – with and through differences
(Mikki Muhr)
Building relations and leaving rests in cartographies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
The «workshop about myself»
(Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
Between affirmation and ambiguity Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
How art schools exclude and normalize
(Philippe Saner)
Reflections based on a participative research process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
The «Cabinet of Bad Taste» by Gustav E. Pazaurek
(Imke Volkers)
On the occasion of the special exhibition Evil Things. An Encyclopedia of Bad Taste by the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge this article portrays The Cabinet of Bad Taste of Gustav Pazaurek. It o...
Is it Taste that makes the difference?
(Rahel Puffert)
Formation of jugdements of taste and social inequality in art education To a large extent and contrary to the common individualistic description of judgements on taste, our perceptions ar...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Not for the impatient:
(Carmen Mörsch)
the sketch of a history of conflicting ideas and political trends in action research The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
Researching in and towards differences and contradictions:
(Marion Thuswald)
in search of critical approaches to professionalising in pedagogics There is a lack of socially critical approaches to professionalization in the education of pedagogues and also in the...
digital folklore
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
Digital Justice
Everything but Copyright: An Artistic-Pedagogical Perspective on Image Rights in the Digital Now
(Helena Schmidt)
This article is based on an interview with the Swiss artist Tamara Janes, whose series Copyright Swap experiments with scans taken from the New York Public Library Picture Collection. Working in collaboration with a lawyer specializing in image rights, Janes manipulated these images to produce ne...
digital media
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
Digital visual literacy
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
Digitale Kulturen
In Search of Radical Simultaneity: A Miniature Reading for the Theater
(Martina Leeker)
This play takes the artist group DIS’s film Everything but the World as the starting point for an investigation into the conditions and possibilities of simultaneity, celebrated within current discourse as a source of knowledge and as a mode of existence with the potential to save us from our cur...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing
(Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
Discourse analysis
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
discursive practice
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Social Media as Workspace: Where Creativity Creates Problems
(Sophie Lingg)
Taking the “Castle Doctrine [9:58]” discussed in the film essay as a starting point, this article examines the connections between the “home” and the “account.” After a brief review of the scene, which explains the doctrine and describes the home as the “place where you feel safe,” the text goes ...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
The Materialization of the Platform: Infrastructures of Edutainment on dis.art
(Yvonne Schweizer)
Yvonne Schweizer’s essay takes DIS’s curatorial contribution to the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2021 des Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève as its starting point. DIS’s practice combines analog exhibition displays with a digital streaming service; since 2018, the collective has been operating ...
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
Do it yourself
Revisiting Evaluation
(Emily Pringle)
This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Do it yourself und Radikal Crafting. Wie radikal ist die Handarbeit? Zu Geschichte und Aktualität von Do it yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst.
(Sonja Eismann)
Sonja Eismann zeigt in ihrem Beitrag die Geschichte und Aktualität von Do-it-yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst auf. Sie geht der Frage der Etablierung dieser Gegenkultur nach, die sich An...
Flic Flac* - Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
Flic Flac* – Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung
(Bernadett Settele)
In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
Conflictual Conversations: Art Mediation as Political Education
(Shirin Graf)
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My aim is to articulate the problems I experienced and consider how they might be solved. In doing so,...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Review: *foundationClass - the book
(Gürsoy Doğtaş)
No translation available at the moment.
Ver_Anderung am Beispiel der Kunstvermittlung auf der documenta fifteen (2022)
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
No translation available at the moment.
Reflection on mediation at documenta fifteen
(Jelena Toopeekoff)
The article is a reflection on nine interviews with sobat-sobat from the research project The Art Educator's Walk II: On the Situation of Art Educators at documenta fifteen. A survey by Gila Kolb in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç.
3 Questions for… Mirl Redman
(Mirl Redmann)
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing research about the exhibition series that need addressing. “3 Questions for…” is a short interview format ...
Impressions of the sobat sobat experience - selected answers to an online questionnaire
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and practice of art mediators. The article shows a selection of the answers to the questions posed, but w...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... die Tiefe Kümmernis*
(Die Tiefe Kümmernis)
Die Tiefe Kümmernis, a drag queen and museum art educator, answers three questions about her work in Vienna. She first explains the origin of her name and describes the beginnings of her work as an art educator. In the second answer, she explains how user-generated content on the internet makes t...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
Drawing – Talking – Showing
(Nadia Bader)
The starting point of the study Drawing - Talking - Showing is the question of how communicative exchange in art teaching influences visual thinking and practice. The aim is an empirically founded and (practice-) theoretically contextualized conception of which influences and interactions arise b...
drawing as thinking
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
dual skill profile
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
Durchlässige Wände
Material Semiotics of Tenderness
(Seraina Dür , Jonas Gillmann)
We, Seraina Dür and Jonas Gillmann, have been working with thirteen pigeons on our project Parliament of Things, Animals, Plants, and Algorithms since 2019, creating performative settings that we act out together with the pigeons and other human and non-human actors. The concept of caring archite...
dust precipitation
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
dust walk
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
education as curatorial practice
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
educational format
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
educational research
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
The Materialization of the Platform: Infrastructures of Edutainment on dis.art
(Yvonne Schweizer)
Yvonne Schweizer’s essay takes DIS’s curatorial contribution to the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2021 des Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève as its starting point. DIS’s practice combines analog exhibition displays with a digital streaming service; since 2018, the collective has been operating ...
The Materialization of the Platform: Infrastructures of Edutainment on dis.art
(Yvonne Schweizer)
Yvonne Schweizer’s essay takes DIS’s curatorial contribution to the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2021 des Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève as its starting point. DIS’s practice combines analog exhibition displays with a digital streaming service; since 2018, the collective has been operating ...
emancipated spectator
Montage as a narrative and emancipatory mediation strategy
(Julia Marti)
I propose that the montage, as a media-independent narrative principle that can work with omissions and contradictions, cancel authorship and originality, and reflect on the medium itself, contains a specific potential for an emancipatory politics of mediation; this was my thesis, which I have pu...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play
(Mariano Gaich)
In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
emancipatory mediation
Montage as a narrative and emancipatory mediation strategy
(Julia Marti)
I propose that the montage, as a media-independent narrative principle that can work with omissions and contradictions, cancel authorship and originality, and reflect on the medium itself, contains a specific potential for an emancipatory politics of mediation; this was my thesis, which I have pu...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
emergency remote teaching
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
emergent strategy
Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
(Zoé Hall)
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes...
Empirical Qualitative Sociological Research
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
Drawing – Talking – Showing
(Nadia Bader)
The starting point of the study Drawing - Talking - Showing is the question of how communicative exchange in art teaching influences visual thinking and practice. The aim is an empirically founded and (practice-) theoretically contextualized conception of which influences and interactions arise b...
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Whether we like it or not
(Agnieszka Czejkowska)
Cultural education and research based on external fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Empowerment as a strategy of action against racism
(Žaklina Mamutovič)
Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
The originality of modernism and other western myths:
(Christian Kravagna)
Art in the (post-) colonial interstice Through an analysis of how 19th and 20th century European avant-garde art perpetuates and continues to affirm ideas of originality and purity and subseque...
Between Instruction and Self-education
(Nanna Lüth)
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
«By eating an apple, you’re eating the scenery.»
(Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
Füreinander Sorgen in den Anden: Anmerkungen zu Paulo Freire
(Grimaldo Rengifo)
In his seminal essay Nurturance in the Andes, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on his early experiences with the use of the Freire literacy program in indigenous communities in northern Peru. He ...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
Empowerment as a strategy of action against racism
(Žaklina Mamutovič)
Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts
(Agnes Biya, Eva Maria Klein, Luise Ramm)
“Fragments of Anti-Racist Critique in Educational Contexts” is a research project led by the prospective teachers Agnes Biya, Luise Ramm, and Eva Marie Klein, carried out in collaboration with the artists Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon and with the support of Silke Ballath. Togeth...
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
How much of a little is enough? An investigation of equipment, workspaces and lesson preparation in the field of visual design.
(Pamela Gardi)
No translation available at the moment.
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
Revisiting Evaluation
(Emily Pringle)
This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
Events of knowledge
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Reviewed: Unlearning the Museum? Coloniality and Mediation in Ethnological Museums
(Gaëlle Shrot)
In these two volumes, Das Museum Verlernen? explores the field of education in ethnographic museums through a decolonial lens. Looking at the interaction between educators, artists and activists and the institution, it sheds a light on the dilemmas faced by actors in a conflicted field, as well a...
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
experience-based knowledge
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
extra-curricular art education offers
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
extracurricular support for arts
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Flic Flac* - Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
Flic Flac* – Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung
(Bernadett Settele)
In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht
(Danja Erni)
Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Recension: Radicalizing Care
(Helena Schmidt)
Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating. Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold und Vera Hofmann (Hg.) London: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Sternberg Press 2021.
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural
(Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Three questions for...
(Hannah Horst)
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by making visible an art mediating position of ...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Material Semiotics of Tenderness
(Seraina Dür , Jonas Gillmann)
We, Seraina Dür and Jonas Gillmann, have been working with thirteen pigeons on our project Parliament of Things, Animals, Plants, and Algorithms since 2019, creating performative settings that we act out together with the pigeons and other human and non-human actors. The concept of caring archite...
questioning in art education
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn)
This 23rd issue of the e Journal Art Education Research is dedicated to asking questions in art education. We speak of "art education" both in the sense of the academic discipline, which is shaped by various fields of reference (cf. Meyer & Sabisch 2014) and at the same time has its own waywardn...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
Impressions of the sobat sobat experience - selected answers to an online questionnaire
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and practice of art mediators. The article shows a selection of the answers to the questions posed, but w...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
Fragmentierte Zeit
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
François Deck
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Fridays for Future
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
funding concerns
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
future making
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
Montage as a narrative and emancipatory mediation strategy
(Julia Marti)
I propose that the montage, as a media-independent narrative principle that can work with omissions and contradictions, cancel authorship and originality, and reflect on the medium itself, contains a specific potential for an emancipatory politics of mediation; this was my thesis, which I have pu...
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Caption this ???!?!?!
(Anja Lomparski, Jana Wodicka)
This article is a creative commentary and practical response to the film Everything but the World (DIS 2021). Stills and quotes from the film provide the basis for a consideration and development of its central motifs and issues – an open process in which the authors spin a wide web of associatio...
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Gendered Tech
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
Generative Systems
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
On Current Research in Swiss Art Education. An interview with Ruth Kunz in October 2019
(Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
The symposium Der professionalisierte Blick (The Professionalized Gaze) took place in 2019, shortly before the volume of the same name was published. For the first issue of the SFKP e Journal Art Education Research, which focuses on current art education research in Switzerland, the interview wit...
Gerardo Goldwasser
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Aesthetic arguments as a medium of music classes
(Christian Rolle)
About the significance of the argument-based speech about music for aesthetic education This paper discusses the educational potential of aesthetic arguments in music classes. The descr...
Formation of taste as «doing nation»: observations while taking a break
(Carmen Mörsch)
This text documents thoughts – on the formation of taste as a hegemonial practice of nation building, on taste and distinction and on the author's own habitus – developed during repeated visits to ...
The taste of another possibility
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
«By eating an apple, you’re eating the scenery.»
(Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
The «Cabinet of Bad Taste» by Gustav E. Pazaurek
(Imke Volkers)
On the occasion of the special exhibition Evil Things. An Encyclopedia of Bad Taste by the Werkbundarchiv – Museum der Dinge this article portrays The Cabinet of Bad Taste of Gustav Pazaurek. It o...
Beauty in aesthetic capitalism
(Ulf Wuggenig)
The importance of physical appearance in job and relation markets increases. What points to this fact is a proliferation of concepts such as beauty work and –capital, aesthetic capital or lookism,...
(Un)learning Taste in the everyday (at school)
(Danja Erni)
How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
Is it Taste that makes the difference?
(Rahel Puffert)
Formation of jugdements of taste and social inequality in art education To a large extent and contrary to the common individualistic description of judgements on taste, our perceptions ar...
Gestalt theory
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
Social Media as Workspace: Where Creativity Creates Problems
(Sophie Lingg)
Taking the “Castle Doctrine [9:58]” discussed in the film essay as a starting point, this article examines the connections between the “home” and the “account.” After a brief review of the scene, which explains the doctrine and describes the home as the “place where you feel safe,” the text goes ...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Everything but Copyright: An Artistic-Pedagogical Perspective on Image Rights in the Digital Now
(Helena Schmidt)
This article is based on an interview with the Swiss artist Tamara Janes, whose series Copyright Swap experiments with scans taken from the New York Public Library Picture Collection. Working in collaboration with a lawyer specializing in image rights, Janes manipulated these images to produce ne...
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
Graphic Tees
stumble radically to (un-)learn to see. How and in what way are lessons in language pieces shown?
(Judit Villiger)
No translation available at the moment.
Formation of taste as «doing nation»: observations while taking a break
(Carmen Mörsch)
This text documents thoughts – on the formation of taste as a hegemonial practice of nation building, on taste and distinction and on the author's own habitus – developed during repeated visits to ...
The taste of another possibility
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
How art schools exclude and normalize
(Philippe Saner)
Reflections based on a participative research process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
Not for the impatient:
(Carmen Mörsch)
the sketch of a history of conflicting ideas and political trends in action research The text provides an outline of the history of action research from its beginnings in the 1920s up unti...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
What Emerges in the Silence of …
(Hong-Kai Wang)
In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
Unwriting the Body
(Fouad Asfour)
Based on my lecture at Un_University platform in April 2016, this text is a collection of fragments from an ongoing practice of unwriting the body as deschooling option, drawing on Walter Mignolo’...
Questions of Inside and Outside – resolved in the utopia of communal,[1] anti-hegemonic knowledge production
(Die „Universität der Ignorant_innen“)
Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
The Anti-Lecture Multi_Verse
(Jamika Ajalon)
(unrehearsed) I aim to explore the ways in which artistic practice, academic research, and the blending of multilayered narratives destabilizes traditional, hegemonic sagacity, and static structu...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Autonomy within the institution
(Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
Towards a critical art education The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
Aesthetic education and art teaching
(Paul Mecheril)
Notes from the perspective of migration pedagogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
Ordered Bodies, embodied Orders – about visual and linguistic representational patterns of gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Enabling questions
(Ursula Ulrich)
The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung
(Bernadett Settele)
In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
Ordered Bodies, embodied Orders – about visual and linguistic representational patterns of gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
«By eating an apple, you’re eating the scenery.»
(Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
Historical Learning
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
3 Questions for… Mirl Redman
(Mirl Redmann)
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing research about the exhibition series that need addressing. “3 Questions for…” is a short interview format ...
Hito Steyerl
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
The visitors are missing. Which visitors?
(Nora Landkammer)
A reflexion on the Symposium KUNST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
Performative interventions
(Sandra Ortmann)
A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
Studying in Switzerland within the context of the Bologna Process
(Philippe Saner)
The article by sociologist Philippe Saner concentrates on the current conditions for studying at Swiss universities. He critically discusses the practices and effects of the so-called «Bologna Proc...
Methodically Tamed Desire. Teaching through research as laboratory
(Eva Sturm)
The progression and outcomes of the seminar «How to Draw Sound. Ästhetische Übersetzungsfragen» [How to Draw Sound. Aesthetic Questions of Translation] (C.v.O. University Oldenburg) were recorded ...
Doing Is Recognizing and Recognizing Is Doing. The Inseparable Interrelation between Theory and Practice
(Barbara Putz-Plecko)
About the development of research and theory in the field of art-, gallery-, and cultural education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna The education of art teachers at the University of Appli...
Jumping with delay on a moving train
(Barbara Bader)
Art Education Research at Universities of the Arts in Switzerland With this article Barbara Bader takes a look at the art education research field in Switzerland. According to the author th...
Art School with migration background
(Catrin Seefranz)
Preliminary thoughts based on a study of inequality in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
How art schools exclude and normalize
(Philippe Saner)
Reflections based on a participative research process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
Teaching methodology, research-based:
(Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
thinking about the research apprenticeship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
What Emerges in the Silence of …
(Hong-Kai Wang)
In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
How to Speak with Your Mouth Full?
(Studio Without Master)
If every art school class can be perceived as a collective body, it is usually headed by a master. We want to keep this anatomical metaphor and symbolically decapitate it. The head is generally un...
Questions of Inside and Outside – resolved in the utopia of communal,[1] anti-hegemonic knowledge production
(Die „Universität der Ignorant_innen“)
Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
The Anti-Lecture Multi_Verse
(Jamika Ajalon)
(unrehearsed) I aim to explore the ways in which artistic practice, academic research, and the blending of multilayered narratives destabilizes traditional, hegemonic sagacity, and static structu...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Hospitation at the Gymnasium
stumble radically to (un-)learn to see. How and in what way are lessons in language pieces shown?
(Judit Villiger)
No translation available at the moment.
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural
(Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Ibiza Austrian Memes
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
ideal images
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
No Thought without Language: Identities in the Plural
(Bettina Eberhard, Veronika Rauschenbach)
In dialog with the secondary school teacher Veronika Rauschenbach, the cultural agent Bettina Eberhard traces how identities are constructed. Together, they devise concrete approaches for conceiving a research project on the subject of identity, to be carried out in Rauschenbach’s class. With a c...
ignorant schoolmasters
Montage as a narrative and emancipatory mediation strategy
(Julia Marti)
I propose that the montage, as a media-independent narrative principle that can work with omissions and contradictions, cancel authorship and originality, and reflect on the medium itself, contains a specific potential for an emancipatory politics of mediation; this was my thesis, which I have pu...
image entity
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
Collaboration + Art Education
(Anja Schiefer, Annika Niemann, Eva Maria Klein, Maya Wendler, Naomi Bodner, Silke Ballath )
The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, ...
Chair between Chair, or: On the Qualities of a Gaze and the Opening Up of New Narratives
(Anna Schapiro)
“Chair between Chair, or: On the Qualities of a Gaze and the Opening Up of New Narratives” examines different definitions and views of a supposed “neither here nor there,” developed along the lines of memory and theoretical contextualization. Anna Schapiro questions the notion of the in-between, ...
Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play
(Mariano Gaich)
In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
The visitors are missing. Which visitors?
(Nora Landkammer)
A reflexion on the Symposium KUNST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
Art School with migration background
(Catrin Seefranz)
Preliminary thoughts based on a study of inequality in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
Refugees as «material» for art projects?
(Das AntikultiAtelier)
AntikultiAtelier We are a group of people living in Switzerland and working on asylum and migration policies, racism and representation: many of us as refugees, others as migrants or Swiss. In...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
How art schools exclude and normalize
(Philippe Saner)
Reflections based on a participative research process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
Teaching the world to the arts
(Wanda Wieczorek)
Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
Unterrichtssprache - Working Language
(Marlene Lahmer)
The choice of a working language influences the content and type of discussions and creates in and out groups. At an art university in the German-speaking world, should one speak English due to the...
What Emerges in the Silence of …
(Hong-Kai Wang)
In universities, there are various referents of knowledge. They are usually embedded in social forms of power relation in precluding rather than opening up other knowledges to us. Using ‘listening’...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Sown by Scattering: Reflections on an Unrealized Commission for an Artistic Project at an Asylum Center
(Pascal Schwaighofer)
What are the implications of a commissioned monument that envisages a participatory process between an artist and the inhabitants of an asylum center? From defining the context and identifying the ...
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
indigenous circuits
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
(Zoé Hall)
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes...
inner pictures
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
institutional critique
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
3 Questions for… Mirl Redman
(Mirl Redmann)
In the “3 Questions for…” interview, Mirl Redmann reflects on the history of documenta in the context of processes of othering within science and art mediation, pointing out gaps in existing research about the exhibition series that need addressing. “3 Questions for…” is a short interview format ...
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
institutionelle Machtverhältnisse
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Autonomy within the institution
(Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
Towards a critical art education The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
Studying in Switzerland within the context of the Bologna Process
(Philippe Saner)
The article by sociologist Philippe Saner concentrates on the current conditions for studying at Swiss universities. He critically discusses the practices and effects of the so-called «Bologna Proc...
Lost in education? KulTür auf!
(Ahmed Shah, Nils Erhard)
«We don’t want inclusion, nor participation, nor integration, what we want is SELF emancipation» (from Schwarzkopf BRD, JugendtheaterBüro Berlin). The paper, based on experiences from the work of ...
Teaching the world to the arts
(Wanda Wieczorek)
Many cultural institutions today find themselves in a dilemma: On the one hand, programming should, and wants, to reach as many people as possible – especially young people, and particularly those...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Sown by Scattering: Reflections on an Unrealized Commission for an Artistic Project at an Asylum Center
(Pascal Schwaighofer)
What are the implications of a commissioned monument that envisages a participatory process between an artist and the inhabitants of an asylum center? From defining the context and identifying the ...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
Institutionelle Machtverhältnisse
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Flic Flac* - Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
Flic Flac* – Feministische Materialien für den Kunstunterricht. Mit Flic Flac* versuchen Elke Smodics-Kuscher und Nora Sternfeld vom Büro trafo.K sich den Kodierungen, Fallstricken und Wi...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Empowerment as a strategy of action against racism
(Žaklina Mamutovič)
Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
(Lea Weniger)
No translation available at the moment.
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
What colour is God?
(Julia Schäfer)
Let’s be honest; for art to be perceived in all its fullness requires us to ask questions. I question, I search. Following many years of educational-curatorial work, Julia Schäfer sketches out the path of her own ongoing process of questioning, of and with art and its audiences. Here, questions e...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Three questions for...
(Hannah Horst)
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by making visible an art mediating position of ...
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
Editorial Ausgabe 16
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz)
No translation available at the moment.
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Sorting Shapes at the Edge of Awareness
(Sascha Willenbacher)
In this text Sascha Willenbacher deals with the practice of the cultural agent using the example of "Kulturagent.innen Schweiz". Along the concepts of ‘awareness at the margins’, ‘irritation’ and ‘subject position’, he reflects on this specific position in the conflicting fields of school and cul...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Critical Whiteness in Pedagogical Practice -
(Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
Lost in education? KulTür auf!
(Ahmed Shah, Nils Erhard)
«We don’t want inclusion, nor participation, nor integration, what we want is SELF emancipation» (from Schwarzkopf BRD, JugendtheaterBüro Berlin). The paper, based on experiences from the work of ...
«Integration as Anti-Reflective Coating»
(Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
Considering Historical-Political Education and Memory Work with Young People of Color in Germany Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
(Eva Lausegger)
or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
Engagement and visibility. Who benefits?
(Henrike Plegge)
Working with young migrants in gallery education and exhibitions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
Who hears as I do and to whom do I belong?
(Dorothee Barth)
About the notion of cultural identity in the context of an (intercultural) music education This paper discusses the question, how the «Intercultural Music Education» can contribute to...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
The «workshop about myself»
(Urs Bachmann, Sandra Lippuner)
Between affirmation and ambiguity Who «belongs» and who doesn’t? What do I have to do to belong? What happens if I don’t fit the norm? The «workshop about myself» offers foster children pos...
Enabling questions
(Ursula Ulrich)
The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
EcoArtLab: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
(Yvonne Schmidt)
The EcoArtLab at the Bern University of the Arts is a pilot project that aims to investigate how the interplay between artistic research and human geography or climate science can best contribute to the climate change debate. In this context, a summer school on Climate and the City was held in Be...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
Collaboration + Art Education
(Anja Schiefer, Annika Niemann, Eva Maria Klein, Maya Wendler, Naomi Bodner, Silke Ballath )
The Kollaboration + Kunstunterricht (Collaboration + Art Education) podcast was produced following the seminar “Situierung zwischen den Stühlen” (Situated between the Chairs). For the seminar, four students chose to explore the concept of the in-between space in conversation with their lecturer, ...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Körper und Norm
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Ordered Bodies, embodied Orders – about visual and linguistic representational patterns of gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Unwriting the Body
(Fouad Asfour)
Based on my lecture at Un_University platform in April 2016, this text is a collection of fragments from an ongoing practice of unwriting the body as deschooling option, drawing on Walter Mignolo’...
Crip Materials as Forms of Un_University Thinking
(Eva Egermann)
In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
GERMAN, NATURAL AND NAKED? The Colonial Entanglements of the Life Reform
(Saskia Köbschall)
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
Conflictual Conversations: Art Mediation as Political Education
(Shirin Graf)
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My aim is to articulate the problems I experienced and consider how they might be solved. In doing so,...
Things, Moods, Actions - The Walk as a Constellation
(Markus Schwander)
Both in artistic research projects and in teaching, walks are used to investigate the perception of space. Walking together is regarded as a constellation in order to recognize and influence the factors that determine the action, i.e. to shape collective action. Artistic examples will be used to ...
Kritische Kunstvermittlung
Institutional Diversity and Power-Critical Art Mediation at documenta fifteen
(Như Ý Linda Nguyễn, Niki Vetter, Mohini Gupte, Baharak Omidfard, Aurélie Strohmaier)
In what ways did art mediation at documenta fifteen serve to critique power, and what role did ‘diversity’ play in this? Nhu Y, Mohini, Niki, Baharak, and Aurélie offer second-order reflections, exchanging views on questions of diversity in institutional structures, critiques of power, methods an...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
Künstlerische Vermittlung
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Künstlerisches Forschen
Assembly of questions
(Maja Linke)
Science/art/criticism usually begins by formulating questions. These questions can concern an object of research, or of criticism, or what surrounds us – they start with a frown or a pause. A feeling of unease, which might not actually need a tangible object to become a question. Asking a questio...
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
Kulturelle Bildung
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
Whether we like it or not
(Agnieszka Czejkowska)
Cultural education and research based on external fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Refugees as «material» for art projects?
(Das AntikultiAtelier)
AntikultiAtelier We are a group of people living in Switzerland and working on asylum and migration policies, racism and representation: many of us as refugees, others as migrants or Swiss. In...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Wandering About: An Experiment in Walking and Learning
(Kitto Derrick Wintergreen)
In 2016 Wintergreen started introducing the format of walking lectures to his students at the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD/Uganda), aiming to encourage them to observe and...
‘Natural Art Education’ – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse
(Anna Schürch)
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
kulturelles Skript
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Kunst als soziale Praxis
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
Grasping Gaps
(Clara Laila Abid Alsstar, Mako Sangmongkhon)
“Grasping Gaps” is the title of the performative radio play by Clara Laila Abid Alsstar and Mako Sangmongkhon. They deal with the field of tension between complaint, ambivalence and L:E:E:H:R:STELLEN. They summarize the process of their artistic research in the radio play and an additional visual...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
land commons/ musha’
A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time
(Philip Rizk)
This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
Things, Moods, Actions - The Walk as a Constellation
(Markus Schwander)
Both in artistic research projects and in teaching, walks are used to investigate the perception of space. Walking together is regarded as a constellation in order to recognize and influence the factors that determine the action, i.e. to shape collective action. Artistic examples will be used to ...
On Current Research in Swiss Art Education. An interview with Ruth Kunz in October 2019
(Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
The symposium Der professionalisierte Blick (The Professionalized Gaze) took place in 2019, shortly before the volume of the same name was published. For the first issue of the SFKP e Journal Art Education Research, which focuses on current art education research in Switzerland, the interview wit...
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
Learning Aids
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
Learning status
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
learning support
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
Learning to draw
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
lecture performance
Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
(Zoé Hall)
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes...
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
lesson preparation
How much of a little is enough? An investigation of equipment, workspaces and lesson preparation in the field of visual design.
(Pamela Gardi)
No translation available at the moment.
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... die Tiefe Kümmernis*
(Die Tiefe Kümmernis)
Die Tiefe Kümmernis, a drag queen and museum art educator, answers three questions about her work in Vienna. She first explains the origin of her name and describes the beginnings of her work as an art educator. In the second answer, she explains how user-generated content on the internet makes t...
In Search of Radical Simultaneity: A Miniature Reading for the Theater
(Martina Leeker)
This play takes the artist group DIS’s film Everything but the World as the starting point for an investigation into the conditions and possibilities of simultaneity, celebrated within current discourse as a source of knowledge and as a mode of existence with the potential to save us from our cur...
living pixels
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
Marcel Duchamp
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
Between Instruction and Self-education
(Nanna Lüth)
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
Crip Materials as Forms of Un_University Thinking
(Eva Egermann)
In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
mediation strategy
Montage as a narrative and emancipatory mediation strategy
(Julia Marti)
I propose that the montage, as a media-independent narrative principle that can work with omissions and contradictions, cancel authorship and originality, and reflect on the medium itself, contains a specific potential for an emancipatory politics of mediation; this was my thesis, which I have pu...
stories of lumbung practices: mediating documenta fifteen as a sobat
(Desirée Donají Hieronimus)
For documenta fifteen, the collective ruangrupa, which had taken over the artistic direction of the Kassel exhibition, introduced the lumbung practice. To what extent the principles of this practice were applied to the Walks and Stories (exhibition tours), and how the sobat-sobat applied them to ...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Meme Activism
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Menschliche und mehr-als-menschliche Entitäten
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
Under Review: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts
(Isabel Eisfeld)
Isabelle Eisfeld, an art teacher at a Berlin comprehensive school, assesses the text anthology Untie to Tie: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts for its practicability in real-world contexts. She reflects upon three articles and their potential to shape school materials to be more diverse, and ...
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Micro-genetic analysis
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
Micro Pedagogical Leaps in the Context of Aesthetic Education
(Silvia Henke, Wiktoria Furrer)
By way of micro pedagogical leaps, this article aims to explore the current state of the major civilizational, educational and political project which is aesthetic education. The concept of micro education has yet to be outlined in terms of art education. In the educational discourse it can refer...
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
Art School with migration background
(Catrin Seefranz)
Preliminary thoughts based on a study of inequality in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
A postcolonial perspective on illegalized immigration in Switzerland:
(Francesca Falk)
On deportations, the «exchange with Africa» and the fear of reverse colonization In her text, Francesca Falk connects contemporary illegalized immigration and the postcolonial constellation...
Refugees as «material» for art projects?
(Das AntikultiAtelier)
AntikultiAtelier We are a group of people living in Switzerland and working on asylum and migration policies, racism and representation: many of us as refugees, others as migrants or Swiss. In...
Aesthetic education and art teaching
(Paul Mecheril)
Notes from the perspective of migration pedagogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
«Integration as Anti-Reflective Coating»
(Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
Considering Historical-Political Education and Memory Work with Young People of Color in Germany Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
«Sich Verzeichnen» – with and through differences
(Mikki Muhr)
Building relations and leaving rests in cartographies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
Engagement and visibility. Who benefits?
(Henrike Plegge)
Working with young migrants in gallery education and exhibitions In her paper, Henrike Plegge discusses different forms of participation and visibility of young migrants in a gallery educat...
Who hears as I do and to whom do I belong?
(Dorothee Barth)
About the notion of cultural identity in the context of an (intercultural) music education This paper discusses the question, how the «Intercultural Music Education» can contribute to...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
Review: *foundationClass - the book
(Gürsoy Doğtaş)
No translation available at the moment.
Caption this ???!?!?!
(Anja Lomparski, Jana Wodicka)
This article is a creative commentary and practical response to the film Everything but the World (DIS 2021). Stills and quotes from the film provide the basis for a consideration and development of its central motifs and issues – an open process in which the authors spin a wide web of associatio...
Spatial Pedagogy in Interaction with Art and Architecture: A review of Scheffler’s study "Polarisierung und Neubeginn" (2020)
(Martin Viehhauser )
No translation available at the moment.
Mona Lisa
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Built environment education for young people. Architects and urban planers using cultural heritage as a learning resource
(Marta Brković-Dodig , Sarah Klepp, Angela Million)
Built environment education (BEE) uses tangible objects produced by humans, which constitute our built environment (BE) (i.e. buildings, bridges, monuments) to enrich learning for children. Monuments as facets of our material culture can be focal points of BEE. Cultural heritage has been used as ...
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Memory, Archive and Mediation
(Felipe Polanía)
Approaches for mediation practice with refugees Is it possible to speak of a collective memory of people who have fled their places of home? Can mediation contribute to contruct a collective ...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Museum of Burning Questions
(Nora Sternfeld)
Negotiating with reality at the Bergen Assembly 2016 Are exhibition contexts places of refuge for critical teaching and learning, precursors of their total economization, or both? And what does thi...
GERMAN, NATURAL AND NAKED? The Colonial Entanglements of the Life Reform
(Saskia Köbschall)
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
Breaking Open Old Structures: How Can the Colonial Structures of the Museum Be Broken Up and New Points of Access Created?
(Franka Schmitz, Drenica Prekazi, Mina Kocaman, Sabine Rudnizkij)
The podcast presented in this issue is the result of our engagement with the history, functions, actors, and target audience of the museum, and their relationships to education. Using guiding questions, we discuss changes aimed at breaking apart hegemonic structures and increasing sensitivity tow...
Museum education
Reviewed: Unlearning the Museum? Coloniality and Mediation in Ethnological Museums
(Gaëlle Shrot)
In these two volumes, Das Museum Verlernen? explores the field of education in ethnographic museums through a decolonial lens. Looking at the interaction between educators, artists and activists and the institution, it sheds a light on the dilemmas faced by actors in a conflicted field, as well a...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
The visitors are missing. Which visitors?
(Nora Landkammer)
A reflexion on the Symposium KUNST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
Performing the educator
(Bernadett Settele)
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
Performative interventions
(Sandra Ortmann)
A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Autonomy within the institution
(Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
Towards a critical art education The performative production of the institution is at the center of the contribution by the artists/art educators collective microsillons. They discuss their r...
Learning from Kassel
(Wanda Wieczorek, Ayşe Güleç, Carmen Mörsch)
The fifth issue of Art Education Research, entitled «Von Kassel lernen» (Learning from Kassel) reflects on the intersection between cultural and political education, and is based on the example of ...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
Between Instruction and Self-education
(Nanna Lüth)
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
Inhabited, familiar, disrupted.
(Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
An «other» institution of contemporary art in representations of gallery education? This article develops a description of two regimes of representation at the center of communication...
Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit
(Ayşe Güleç)
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Three questions for...
(Hannah Horst)
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by making visible an art mediating position of ...
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
Ver_Anderung am Beispiel der Kunstvermittlung auf der documenta fifteen (2022)
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
No translation available at the moment.
Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
(Zoé Hall)
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes...
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
Music pedagogy
«Music has a meaning to me»
(Martina Krause-Benz)
Meaning construction in music classes as a dimension of music related education This paper discusses the educational potential of music classes in which music-related meaning is constr...
Aesthetic arguments as a medium of music classes
(Christian Rolle)
About the significance of the argument-based speech about music for aesthetic education This paper discusses the educational potential of aesthetic arguments in music classes. The descr...
Music education as critical cultural sciences – revisited
(Jürgen Vogt)
This paper contains meta-theoretical considerations about the status of the research in music education. The author states, that music education – at least in Germany – concentrates on «Empirical ...
Individual concepts of music teachers
(Anne Niessen)
An empirical study as a contribution to basic research in music education This paper gives an insight into an empirical study about individual concepts of music teachers. Interviews abo...
Between canon an socio-culture
(Olivier Blanchard, Jürg Huber)
Explorations on the field of school music in the German speaking part of Switzerland This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
Who hears as I do and to whom do I belong?
(Dorothee Barth)
About the notion of cultural identity in the context of an (intercultural) music education This paper discusses the question, how the «Intercultural Music Education» can contribute to...
Learned during leisure time, processed in school
(Christoph Marty)
The aim of the praxis-based research project in music pedagogy presented in this contribution involves in-class processing of musical competence and knowledge that music students have acquired out...
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
Montage as a narrative and emancipatory mediation strategy
(Julia Marti)
I propose that the montage, as a media-independent narrative principle that can work with omissions and contradictions, cancel authorship and originality, and reflect on the medium itself, contains a specific potential for an emancipatory politics of mediation; this was my thesis, which I have pu...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht
(Danja Erni)
Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Crianza Or The Art of Nurtining – Andean Cosmovisions In Community Education
(Alejandro Cevallos, Sofía Olascoaga)
In this Interview with Alejandro Cevallos and Sofía Olascoaga, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on the trajectory of his work since his essay A propósito de Freire(Nurturance in the Andes, 2001), ...
Füreinander Sorgen in den Anden: Anmerkungen zu Paulo Freire
(Grimaldo Rengifo)
In his seminal essay Nurturance in the Andes, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on his early experiences with the use of the Freire literacy program in indigenous communities in northern Peru. He ...
The violence of Explaining Myself - The Binds of Translation
(Lineo Segoete)
Lineo Segoete Die Fesseln der Übersetzung –Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen Mit Beiträgen von Liepollo Moleleki und Zachary Rosen In ihrem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alphabetisierung und der...
Wandering About: An Experiment in Walking and Learning
(Kitto Derrick Wintergreen)
In 2016 Wintergreen started introducing the format of walking lectures to his students at the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD/Uganda), aiming to encourage them to observe and...
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
GERMAN, NATURAL AND NAKED? The Colonial Entanglements of the Life Reform
(Saskia Köbschall)
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
‘Natural Art Education’ – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse
(Anna Schürch)
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
New construction
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
new materialism
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Nicht-menschliche Akteur:innen
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Paradox and dissent
(Groupe l’Aventin)
reflexions on theatre education in migration society The paper reflects on a theatre education project the Groupe l’Aventin developed with migrant women attending at the association Camar...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Unlearning to Relate
(Annette Krauss)
How to approach processes of unlearning physically, intellectually, and collaboratively? This question has been at the core of my study and practice of unlearning in different constellations at the...
Counter/Acting: Performative Porosity
(Elke Krasny)
Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
Crip Materials as Forms of Un_University Thinking
(Eva Egermann)
In 1990, writing about women’s studies, Elizabeth Minnich noted: ‘Invisibility itself teaches something. Students who never hear of a woman philosopher have trouble believing in such a creature.’ ...
Questions of Inside and Outside – resolved in the utopia of communal,[1] anti-hegemonic knowledge production
(Die „Universität der Ignorant_innen“)
Everyone is ‘ignorant’ as long as marginalized knowledge is ignored, as long as knowledge is produced without critical reflection on its dimension of power. Knowledge production is linked to viole...
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Methodically Tamed Desire. Teaching through research as laboratory
(Eva Sturm)
The progression and outcomes of the seminar «How to Draw Sound. Ästhetische Übersetzungsfragen» [How to Draw Sound. Aesthetic Questions of Translation] (C.v.O. University Oldenburg) were recorded ...
Doing Is Recognizing and Recognizing Is Doing. The Inseparable Interrelation between Theory and Practice
(Barbara Putz-Plecko)
About the development of research and theory in the field of art-, gallery-, and cultural education at the University of Applied Arts Vienna The education of art teachers at the University of Appli...
The taste of another possibility
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
How art schools exclude and normalize
(Philippe Saner)
Reflections based on a participative research process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
«Attached, please find my image archive»
(Anne Gruber)
Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
Counter/Acting: Performative Porosity
(Elke Krasny)
Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
The violence of Explaining Myself - The Binds of Translation
(Lineo Segoete)
Lineo Segoete Die Fesseln der Übersetzung –Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen Mit Beiträgen von Liepollo Moleleki und Zachary Rosen In ihrem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alphabetisierung und der...
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
How much of a little is enough? An investigation of equipment, workspaces and lesson preparation in the field of visual design.
(Pamela Gardi)
No translation available at the moment.
operative pictures
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
optical potential
BIGLERWEIBEL. The fifth Column of Bodies
Social media and advertising produce and convey images of female bodies that, in keeping with current values and beauty ideals, are considered normal and desirable. The GIF series of the artist duo BIGLERWEIBEL reduces the artists' own female bodies to form and materiality. In active opposition t...
order of knowledge
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
Conflictual Conversations: Art Mediation as Political Education
(Shirin Graf)
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My aim is to articulate the problems I experienced and consider how they might be solved. In doing so,...
Reflection on mediation at documenta fifteen
(Jelena Toopeekoff)
The article is a reflection on nine interviews with sobat-sobat from the research project The Art Educator's Walk II: On the Situation of Art Educators at documenta fifteen. A survey by Gila Kolb in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç.
Impressions of the sobat sobat experience - selected answers to an online questionnaire
(Gila Kolb, Ayşe Güleç)
In September 2023, while documenta fifteen was still running, Gila Kolb created an online survey in collaboration with Ayşe Güleç. This was sent out to around 140 sobat-sobat on the situation and practice of art mediators. The article shows a selection of the answers to the questions posed, but w...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... die Tiefe Kümmernis*
(Die Tiefe Kümmernis)
Die Tiefe Kümmernis, a drag queen and museum art educator, answers three questions about her work in Vienna. She first explains the origin of her name and describes the beginnings of her work as an art educator. In the second answer, she explains how user-generated content on the internet makes t...
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
3 Questions for: Barnaby Drabble
(Barnaby Drabble)
For his latest book, Along Ecological Lines: Contemporary Art and Climate Crisis (2019), Barnaby Drabble traveled across Europe by bicycle, in order to investigate various projects and initiatives by artists that engage with ecological issues in different ways. Here, the author, curator, and rese...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
Built environment education for young people. Architects and urban planers using cultural heritage as a learning resource
(Marta Brković-Dodig , Sarah Klepp, Angela Million)
Built environment education (BEE) uses tangible objects produced by humans, which constitute our built environment (BE) (i.e. buildings, bridges, monuments) to enrich learning for children. Monuments as facets of our material culture can be focal points of BEE. Cultural heritage has been used as ...
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else
(Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...
Partizipatorische Vermittlung
Revisiting Evaluation
(Emily Pringle)
This text examines the important and potentially creative role that evaluation plays in participatory arts projects taking place in education contexts. A brief overview of evaluation is given befo...
Things, Moods, Actions - The Walk as a Constellation
(Markus Schwander)
Both in artistic research projects and in teaching, walks are used to investigate the perception of space. Walking together is regarded as a constellation in order to recognize and influence the factors that determine the action, i.e. to shape collective action. Artistic examples will be used to ...
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
performance art
Festival Structure as Format: Performance, Research, and Education
(Benjamin Sunarjo, Gisela Hochuli)
The ACT Performance Festival is an annual event in Switzerland that has been offering a platform for students to showcase performance art since 2003, initiated by art academies in Zurich, Lucerne, Sierre, Geneva, Bern, and Basel. Benjamin Sunarjo and Gisela Hochuli have each been involved in the ...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Performative Strategien
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
performative turn
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Agency at the margins of power
(Andrea Hubin)
Locating a gallery education that operates with concepts of performativity Why is gallery education interested in performativity? Between fights for recognition, reflection on one’s ow...
Performing the educator
(Bernadett Settele)
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
Performative interventions
(Sandra Ortmann)
A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Music education as critical cultural sciences – revisited
(Jürgen Vogt)
This paper contains meta-theoretical considerations about the status of the research in music education. The author states, that music education – at least in Germany – concentrates on «Empirical ...
«By eating an apple, you’re eating the scenery.»
(Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
Counter/Acting: Performative Porosity
(Elke Krasny)
Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
personal experience
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
picture series
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
Are You Sure? Zoom in
(Charlotte Friedli)
The following text is a revised part of my master thesis, Are you sure? Zoom in. Approaching the unapproachable computer. A strategy of empowerment. The question is explored on the basis of the interplay between artistic and art analytical work. The thesis at the outset was that the computer is ...
plastic image
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
The Materialization of the Platform: Infrastructures of Edutainment on dis.art
(Yvonne Schweizer)
Yvonne Schweizer’s essay takes DIS’s curatorial contribution to the Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement 2021 des Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève as its starting point. DIS’s practice combines analog exhibition displays with a digital streaming service; since 2018, the collective has been operating ...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
pluralisierte Medialität
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
political education
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Review: Beyond Molotovs
(Lena Hoppenkamps)
Beyond Molotovs: A Visual Handbook of Anti-Authoritarian Strategies is a new publication that brings together different perspectives aimed at achieving societal change on the basis of an anti-authoritarian understanding of democracy. It features 50 contributions by collectives, organizations, ass...
Political Memes
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Poor Image
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
Poor image art education
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else
(Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...
post-colonial perspective
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them
(Helena Schmidt)
The contribution "poor images - About copies in motion and where to find them" deals with the concept of so-called "poor images", after Hito Steyerl (2009), and locates it in a contemporary art mediation practice that critically examines the Internet and the resulting new pictorial phenomena and ...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
THE LIVING PIXEL. A feminist-materialist examination of the emergence of AI-vision
(Ariana Dongus )
The essay deals with the development of machine vision which today has resulted in the automation of face and object recognition. The notion of automation suggests that no human input is needed and that the machine works on its own, in this case to execute the labour of perception. Complicating ...
Postdigital Art Education
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Caption this ???!?!?!
(Anja Lomparski, Jana Wodicka)
This article is a creative commentary and practical response to the film Everything but the World (DIS 2021). Stills and quotes from the film provide the basis for a consideration and development of its central motifs and issues – an open process in which the authors spin a wide web of associatio...
Art School with migration background
(Catrin Seefranz)
Preliminary thoughts based on a study of inequality in the field of the art school Based on the results of the project making differences which deals with social injustice in the field of Swi...
A postcolonial perspective on illegalized immigration in Switzerland:
(Francesca Falk)
On deportations, the «exchange with Africa» and the fear of reverse colonization In her text, Francesca Falk connects contemporary illegalized immigration and the postcolonial constellation...
The originality of modernism and other western myths:
(Christian Kravagna)
Art in the (post-) colonial interstice Through an analysis of how 19th and 20th century European avant-garde art perpetuates and continues to affirm ideas of originality and purity and subseque...
«Integration as Anti-Reflective Coating»
(Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
Considering Historical-Political Education and Memory Work with Young People of Color in Germany Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Crianza Or The Art of Nurtining – Andean Cosmovisions In Community Education
(Alejandro Cevallos, Sofía Olascoaga)
In this Interview with Alejandro Cevallos and Sofía Olascoaga, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on the trajectory of his work since his essay A propósito de Freire(Nurturance in the Andes, 2001), ...
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
GERMAN, NATURAL AND NAKED? The Colonial Entanglements of the Life Reform
(Saskia Köbschall)
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Aesthetic education and art teaching
(Paul Mecheril)
Notes from the perspective of migration pedagogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
Crianza Or The Art of Nurtining – Andean Cosmovisions In Community Education
(Alejandro Cevallos, Sofía Olascoaga)
In this Interview with Alejandro Cevallos and Sofía Olascoaga, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on the trajectory of his work since his essay A propósito de Freire(Nurturance in the Andes, 2001), ...
Füreinander Sorgen in den Anden: Anmerkungen zu Paulo Freire
(Grimaldo Rengifo)
In his seminal essay Nurturance in the Andes, Grimaldo Rengifo Vásquez reflects on his early experiences with the use of the Freire literacy program in indigenous communities in northern Peru. He ...
The violence of Explaining Myself - The Binds of Translation
(Lineo Segoete)
Lineo Segoete Die Fesseln der Übersetzung –Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen Mit Beiträgen von Liepollo Moleleki und Zachary Rosen In ihrem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alphabetisierung und der...
Wandering About: An Experiment in Walking and Learning
(Kitto Derrick Wintergreen)
In 2016 Wintergreen started introducing the format of walking lectures to his students at the Nagenda International Academy of Art and Design (NIAAD/Uganda), aiming to encourage them to observe and...
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
Spatial Pedagogy in Interaction with Art and Architecture: A review of Scheffler’s study "Polarisierung und Neubeginn" (2020)
(Martin Viehhauser )
No translation available at the moment.
power of action
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Practical theory
The idea comes while drawing
(Malin Widén)
Progressive digitalization is changing our perception, our thinking and our actions. It also changes our relationship to the image. Yet at the same time, the relevance of visual education must constantly be defended. Instead of thinking through drawing about the power and effects of images–thinki...
Drawing – Talking – Showing
(Nadia Bader)
The starting point of the study Drawing - Talking - Showing is the question of how communicative exchange in art teaching influences visual thinking and practice. The aim is an empirically founded and (practice-) theoretically contextualized conception of which influences and interactions arise b...
Three questions for...
(Hannah Horst)
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by making visible an art mediating position of ...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Primary School
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
primary school
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
problem-solving behavior
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Editorial Ausgabe 16
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz)
No translation available at the moment.
(Havin Al-Sindy)
In the video work “Fluctuating”, gaps become indications for a gaze that is new and has the potential to be expanded. Havin Al-Sindy asks where changes are possible and how we perceive them or become aware of them; learn to listen to them. But also where we can distance ourselves from them and re...
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
Process analysis
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
Professionalisation in teacher training
stumble radically to (un-)learn to see. How and in what way are lessons in language pieces shown?
(Judit Villiger)
No translation available at the moment.
Professionalized view
On Current Research in Swiss Art Education. An interview with Ruth Kunz in October 2019
(Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
The symposium Der professionalisierte Blick (The Professionalized Gaze) took place in 2019, shortly before the volume of the same name was published. For the first issue of the SFKP e Journal Art Education Research, which focuses on current art education research in Switzerland, the interview wit...
3 Questions for... Beate Florenz
(Beate Florenz)
Our short-format interview “3 Questions for...” sees the art theorist and educator Beate Florenz answer questions on the links between aesthetics, space, educational processes, and artistic research, with a focus on the built environment and its role within education. She discusses walking’s pote...
Things, Moods, Actions - The Walk as a Constellation
(Markus Schwander)
Both in artistic research projects and in teaching, walks are used to investigate the perception of space. Walking together is regarded as a constellation in order to recognize and influence the factors that determine the action, i.e. to shape collective action. Artistic examples will be used to ...
protest bike
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
public art
Spatial Pedagogy in Interaction with Art and Architecture: A review of Scheffler’s study "Polarisierung und Neubeginn" (2020)
(Martin Viehhauser )
No translation available at the moment.
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
public sphere
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
qualitative empirical research
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... die Tiefe Kümmernis*
(Die Tiefe Kümmernis)
Die Tiefe Kümmernis, a drag queen and museum art educator, answers three questions about her work in Vienna. She first explains the origin of her name and describes the beginnings of her work as an art educator. In the second answer, she explains how user-generated content on the internet makes t...
Recension: Radicalizing Care
(Helena Schmidt)
Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating. Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold und Vera Hofmann (Hg.) London: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Sternberg Press 2021.
Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung
(Bernadett Settele)
In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
Recension: Radicalizing Care
(Helena Schmidt)
Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating. Elke Krasny, Sophie Lingg, Lena Fritsch, Birgit Bosold und Vera Hofmann (Hg.) London: Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, Sternberg Press 2021.
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
«By eating an apple, you’re eating the scenery.»
(Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
On the Practice of Questioning in Art Education
(Rahel Puffert)
Does art education have its own specific way of asking questions? Considering this is a field whose most prominent characteristic is to traverse diverse areas of knowledge and constantly differentiate itself, it seems to me that giving a general answer to this question is barely possible. But per...
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
Radikaler Wandel
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
Review: Beyond Molotovs
(Lena Hoppenkamps)
Beyond Molotovs: A Visual Handbook of Anti-Authoritarian Strategies is a new publication that brings together different perspectives aimed at achieving societal change on the basis of an anti-authoritarian understanding of democracy. It features 50 contributions by collectives, organizations, ass...
Art Society Education
(Luise Ramm)
In three video works, Luise Ramm seeks artistic answers to social issues in educational contexts, raising new questions along the way. The works are made up of performative elements and each deal with one of three terms: art, society, and education. The starting point for the videos is the sphere...
Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play
(Mariano Gaich)
In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
Conflictual Conversations: Art Mediation as Political Education
(Shirin Graf)
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My aim is to articulate the problems I experienced and consider how they might be solved. In doing so,...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
Empowerment as a strategy of action against racism
(Žaklina Mamutovič)
Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
A postcolonial perspective on illegalized immigration in Switzerland:
(Francesca Falk)
On deportations, the «exchange with Africa» and the fear of reverse colonization In her text, Francesca Falk connects contemporary illegalized immigration and the postcolonial constellation...
Aesthetic education and art teaching
(Paul Mecheril)
Notes from the perspective of migration pedagogy Rather than asking about the culture of specific migrant groups, how these cultures can be described and what enables the understanding betwee...
From migrant to Muslim -
(Rifa’at Lenzin)
the problem of religious ascriptions for migrants of Islamic heritage How relevant is Islam for muslims living here? What actually makes one a Muslim? Today, the term Muslim is being emplo...
Thinking Through /Difference/ in Art Education Contexts
(jan jagodzinski)
Working the Third Space and Beyond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Critical Whiteness in Pedagogical Practice -
(Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
(Eva Lausegger)
or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
Counter/Acting: Performative Porosity
(Elke Krasny)
Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit
(Ayşe Güleç)
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
The violence of Explaining Myself - The Binds of Translation
(Lineo Segoete)
Lineo Segoete Die Fesseln der Übersetzung –Von der Gewalt, mich erklären zu müssen Mit Beiträgen von Liepollo Moleleki und Zachary Rosen In ihrem Beitrag zur Geschichte der Alphabetisierung und der...
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
GERMAN, NATURAL AND NAKED? The Colonial Entanglements of the Life Reform
(Saskia Köbschall)
Taking the author’s personal experiences with the German nudist movement as a starting point, this essay explores the discursive link between colonialism, its ideology of racial hierarchies and th...
Flight of Riddles – Thinking Through the Difficult Legacy of Progressive Art Education in Austria
(Karin Schneider, Andrea Hubin)
Andrea Hubin and Karin Schneider’s contribution gives an insight into their explorations of Austrian art education’s difficult legacy. Reflecting on the boundaries, aversions, distortions, interru...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht
(Danja Erni)
Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
The taste of another possibility
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
The Anti-Lecture Multi_Verse
(Jamika Ajalon)
(unrehearsed) I aim to explore the ways in which artistic practice, academic research, and the blending of multilayered narratives destabilizes traditional, hegemonic sagacity, and static structu...
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
Learning Between the Real and the Possible - The Interdisciplinary Development Project AMAMuG
(Lukas Bardill, Sabine Bietenhader)
AMAMuG – an acronym for Archäologische Mustergrabung and Archäologisches Museum für Gegenwart (archeological sample excavation and archeological museum for the present) - was an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional development project that took place from April 1st, 2018 to August 1st, 2019....
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
Regenerative Landwirtschaft
KlimaKontor Basel: Artistic Spaces of Negotiation for Shaping the Future
(Barbara Ellenberger, Luzia Schelling)
KlimaKontor Basel initiates interdisciplinary and participatory art projects that connect Basel institutions with actors from the fields of art, science, and civil society, with the aim of developing sustainable, solidaric, and innovative responses to the climate crisis. Here, its co-leader and f...
rehearsing as a modus operandi
Rehearsing Researching: Re-enactment of a script through collaborative writing
(Janina Krepart, Heinrich Lüber , Jules Sturm)
This article is based on a critical engagement with the practical conditions of teaching and doing research, which are significantly influenced by the respective artistic and theoretical backgrounds of the three authors involved in this project, by the media through which they communicate and (in...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
stumble radically to (un-)learn to see. How and in what way are lessons in language pieces shown?
(Judit Villiger)
No translation available at the moment.
Conflictual Conversations: Art Mediation as Political Education
(Shirin Graf)
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My aim is to articulate the problems I experienced and consider how they might be solved. In doing so,...
Under Review: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts
(Isabel Eisfeld)
Isabelle Eisfeld, an art teacher at a Berlin comprehensive school, assesses the text anthology Untie to Tie: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts for its practicability in real-world contexts. She reflects upon three articles and their potential to shape school materials to be more diverse, and ...
Emancipatory Narratives: On Vessels and Spaces of Play
(Mariano Gaich)
In my article, I engage with the question “What imaginative powers can be unfolded using artistic and theoretical framing, and to what extent can they function as vessels for emancipatory narratives?” My definition of ‘imaginative powers’ should be understood from a perspective of representation,...
Activating the Display
(Karin Schneider)
Theses from the Research Project „science with all senses – science and gender in the making“ The following theses are based on the research project „science with all senses – science and ge...
The visitors are missing. Which visitors?
(Nora Landkammer)
A reflexion on the Symposium KUNST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
Performing the educator
(Bernadett Settele)
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
Whether we like it or not
(Agnieszka Czejkowska)
Cultural education and research based on external fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Jumping with delay on a moving train
(Barbara Bader)
Art Education Research at Universities of the Arts in Switzerland With this article Barbara Bader takes a look at the art education research field in Switzerland. According to the author th...
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Representation and the Critique of Representation in Visual Culture. Focus: gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
eine virtuelle Lernplattform This online publication introduces approaches, questions, and conflicts into the field of visual culture concerning ways of representing and critique of representation....
Thinking Through /Difference/ in Art Education Contexts
(jan jagodzinski)
Working the Third Space and Beyond This essay was published in 1999. It explores the difficulty of «difference» within pluriculturalist art education. It explores the dominant liberal humanist ap...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
Critical Whiteness in Pedagogical Practice -
(Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
Paradox and dissent
(Groupe l’Aventin)
reflexions on theatre education in migration society The paper reflects on a theatre education project the Groupe l’Aventin developed with migrant women attending at the association Camar...
Ordered Bodies, embodied Orders – about visual and linguistic representational patterns of gallery education
(Stephan Fürstenberg)
In his text, Stephan Fürstenberg focuses on dominant representational forms of the figures art mediator and public. In referencing historical image examples, he works out productions of difference...
Between Instruction and Self-education
(Nanna Lüth)
Didactic Pattern Analysis Starting From Art What role is played by the artworks in the representation of gallery education? From the spatial composition and the reactions of persons to the art in t...
Inhabited, familiar, disrupted.
(Microsilions – Olivier Desvoignes/Marianne Guarino-Huet)
An «other» institution of contemporary art in representations of gallery education? This article develops a description of two regimes of representation at the center of communication...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
«Material Memory» and Postmigrant Society
(Jonas Bürgi)
Proposals for collection development and interpretation at the Swiss National Museum National Museums claim authority in defining ‚cultural heritage’. Migration histories, as relativ...
Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit
(Ayşe Güleç)
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
questioning in art education
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn)
This 23rd issue of the e Journal Art Education Research is dedicated to asking questions in art education. We speak of "art education" both in the sense of the academic discipline, which is shaped by various fields of reference (cf. Meyer & Sabisch 2014) and at the same time has its own waywardn...
Three questions for...
(Hannah Horst)
There are articles in art magazines about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research would like to transfer this format to the field of art mediation through current practice by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by making visible an art mediating position of ...
On Current Research in Swiss Art Education. An interview with Ruth Kunz in October 2019
(Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
The symposium Der professionalisierte Blick (The Professionalized Gaze) took place in 2019, shortly before the volume of the same name was published. For the first issue of the SFKP e Journal Art Education Research, which focuses on current art education research in Switzerland, the interview wit...
Editorial Ausgabe 16
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz)
No translation available at the moment.
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
Research in Art Education
On Current Research in Swiss Art Education. An interview with Ruth Kunz in October 2019
(Ruth Kunz, Gila Kolb)
The symposium Der professionalisierte Blick (The Professionalized Gaze) took place in 2019, shortly before the volume of the same name was published. For the first issue of the SFKP e Journal Art Education Research, which focuses on current art education research in Switzerland, the interview wit...
Drawing – Talking – Showing
(Nadia Bader)
The starting point of the study Drawing - Talking - Showing is the question of how communicative exchange in art teaching influences visual thinking and practice. The aim is an empirically founded and (practice-) theoretically contextualized conception of which influences and interactions arise b...
Research Process
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
research process
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
research with students
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
Research-based Studying
(Gitta Bertram)
No translation available at the moment.
On Being Somewhere Between a Teacher and Everything Else
(Dori Förster, Vanessa Gelbke, Silja Cruz Hahne, Lea Maria Manthei, Thea Schüle)
We are five people who are each studying at the HBK Braunschweig or have done. We met during the seminar “Situated between the Chairs” and all want to become teachers – whether sooner or later, absolutely determined or still thinking about it. At the same time, we are also (performance) artists, ...
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
Von/durch/mit Pilze/n lernen
(Lara Caluori)
What role can mushrooms play in helping us rethink the relationships and communities that exist both among and beyond humans? This paper explores interactions between fungi and humans in order to gain a different perspective on such connections in times of crisis. I see a metaphor for social stru...
Review: *foundationClass - the book
(Gürsoy Doğtaş)
No translation available at the moment.
(Gitta Bertram)
No translation available at the moment.
right-wing populism
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
role models
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
A letter to the survivors of-the-old-time
(Philip Rizk)
This letter was written in the context of the PhD-project “Listening to Land: De-neocolonizing the imaginary.” It is a piece of speculative fiction and casts a critical eye on human relations with nature through re-visiting historic and contemporary land commons, in particular the social relation...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
School architecture
Spatial Pedagogy in Interaction with Art and Architecture: A review of Scheffler’s study "Polarisierung und Neubeginn" (2020)
(Martin Viehhauser )
No translation available at the moment.
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
School as a shelter
Response-Ability in künstlerischer Praxis, Forschung und Lehre
(Jacqueline Baum)
The debate around climate change has become a mainstream issue in society. Students and schoolchildren are increasingly politically engaged, and this also requires an agility on the part of institutions, which now find themselves called upon to consider how sustainability can be taught, and how t...
From Theory into Practice – Research and Transformation
(Dolores Smith)
The research project to which this text refers was based on the challenge to provide conditions for equal access to arts education for children and young people placed at a disadvantage - especiall...
What are we doing here?
(Claus Melter)
Reflections on barriers and discrimination in educational institutions This text is concerned with self-reflexivity in institutions regarding the critique of barriers and discriminat...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
(Eva Lausegger)
or AM I RACIST? The text deals with an intent to deport a student at our school, the protest movement that mobilized against the deportation, and an art project with students from several courses o...
«Sich Verzeichnen» – with and through differences
(Mikki Muhr)
Building relations and leaving rests in cartographies What enables reflective processes, that can help to view one’s own thoughts and actions in their conditioning frameworks and to criticall...
Between canon an socio-culture
(Olivier Blanchard, Jürg Huber)
Explorations on the field of school music in the German speaking part of Switzerland This paper presents an explorative study about music classes in «Sekundarschulen» and «Gymnasien» in the G...
The taste of another possibility
(Elke Smodics-Kuscher, Nora Sternfeld, Büro trafo. K)
We would like to trace the oscillating logic of taste from a perspective of educational practice. How can this logic be understood, between the normalizing production of certainties on the one han...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
(Un)learning Taste in the everyday (at school)
(Danja Erni)
How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
«Attached, please find my image archive»
(Anne Gruber)
Based on the assignment 'image archive', Anne Gruber shows how an attentiveness she developed during her studies to questions from art theory, cultural studies and art can be integrated in her prac...
Learned during leisure time, processed in school
(Christoph Marty)
The aim of the praxis-based research project in music pedagogy presented in this contribution involves in-class processing of musical competence and knowledge that music students have acquired out...
Enabling questions
(Ursula Ulrich)
The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
After reflection is before reflection:
(Andreas Bürgisser)
thinking about the conditionality of collaborative theatre pedagogy in schools In his text, Andreas Bürgisser, as a former FLAKS collaborator, considers the significance of FLAKS towar...
The Living School
(Brandon LaBElle)
The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Under Review: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts
(Isabel Eisfeld)
Isabelle Eisfeld, an art teacher at a Berlin comprehensive school, assesses the text anthology Untie to Tie: Colonial Fragments in School Contexts for its practicability in real-world contexts. She reflects upon three articles and their potential to shape school materials to be more diverse, and ...
Challenges of a Disciplinary Anchorage – Questions Addressed at Art Education
(Anna Schürch, Sophie Vögele)
The article investigates the contradictions associated with the formation and institutionalization of academic disciplines, and explores the anchoring of art education as a discipline in tertiary education. The text thus pursues an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for the further develop...
anthology of flowers
(Jacqueline Baum, Ursula Jakob)
The focus of our long-standing project Connected in Isolation was initially on the different descriptions of processes and ways of representing objects of nature from art and science - their detach...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
search machines
Ask the Internet – Digital Orders of Knowledge via a Brief History of Search Engines
(Shusha Niederberger )
The way in which questions are asked influences the response to them: Do the thoughts come in a flow of inspiration, or does panic break out, as in an exam? The type of question and its context help determine how knowledge manifests itself. We who work in education know of the complex paths upon ...
Three questions for... Simon Kindle
(Simon Kindle)
Practices of artistic collaboration, free and institutional approaches to teaching art and design, staking out new fields of research – art education at university level requires dual or even multiple skill profiles, for students and staff alike. Where do these different fields intertwine with on...
A kind of punk rock, teaching machine. Queer-feministische Zines im Kunstunterricht.
(Elke Zobl)
Elke Zobel stellt Zines als eine Alternative zu den Mainstream-Medien vor, die die Möglichkeit und das Potential vielfältiger Selbstrepräsentation, des Ausdrucks anderer Seiten des Selbst und der H...
Queer und DIY im Kunstunterricht. Eine Einführung
(Bernadett Settele)
In der Einführung werden die Ziele aufgezeigt, die Art Education Research Nr. 3 verfolgt: als „Schulbuch“ Anregungen aus der queer theory und den Kulturwissenschaften für den Kunstunterricht zu ver...
The complex task of self-changing
(Büro trafo. K)
Practices and questions in educational projects in migration society Nine years ago we called one of our ambitious educational programs a «guide to self-emancipation». The title had an ir...
«By eating an apple, you’re eating the scenery.»
(Sabian Baumann, Simon Harder)
In this interview by Simon Harder, Sabian Baumann discusses how s_he and the collaborating performers tried to conceptually and performatively queer nude drawing and its connected patriarchal unde...
How does school invest in the screen?
(Simon Harder)
InVisibilities and socio-political responsibility of art education This article argues out of a queer-feminist perspective why an understanding of visibility is to be considered p...
sexual empowerment
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
Sinnlich-physisches Erleben
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
situated knowledge
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
Situiertes Wissen
Counter Rituals: Ent-täuschung as a method for anti-colonial Art Mediation
(Thesea Efstathopoulos)
This article is about disenchantment (trans. Enttäuschung) as a method in art mediation . It is presented from the perspective of an art mediator at d15 who worked as a sobat sobat. Based on the experience of a guided tour, it will be shown how Ent-täuschung can be used as a subversive possibilit...
(Christiane Hamacher)
Humus is generally found in the uppermost layer of the earth – from around ten to thirty centimeters in depth – and is a vulnerable and fragile substance. This part of the soil is a key habitat for various living creatures and is currently in an extremely bad state across the globe. Humus is lost...
Towards Other Openings: An Attempt
(Raphael Daibert )
In a poetic manner, the text combines the author's practices with current social issues and negotiates multilingually between shared knowledge, more-than-human positionality, as well as strategies of poisoning/detoxification.
small sounds
Holes through Now
(Antonia Röllin)
This audio feature is a performative search for micro-utopian moments in the everyday actions of my fellow human beings. The artistic research shows digging in small spaces as a possible reaction to the waving present. Nodes, breakthroughs, and holes accompany the listener on this flight of the c...
Smart Speaker
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
Everyday photo actions, observations, and questions - an introduction
(Flurina Stuppan)
My article presents exemplary observations of everyday photo actions in groups of adolescents and adults. The observations are written on the basis of inner images. Questions that take a critical position towards the medium of photography and society are formulated based on these observations. Th...
Social Interaction
On the Orientation of Didactic Research in Kindergarten Art Pedagogy. An investigation of the field of tension between specialist science, questions of teaching and social science research methodology
(Dr. des. Anja Morawietz)
This article deals with the area of tension between scientific discipline, questions of teaching and social science research methodology in art education and didactical research at a kindergarten level. Initially, the text shows which questions arise for the didactics of art and design at a kinde...
social media
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
journey through :)
(Helen Stefanie)
The microblogging platform tumblr is known for a culture of image-collecting and curating that has been primarily influenced by (female, queer/trans*, PoC) teenagers and twentysomethings. When browsing the site, works by feminist artists, paparazzi pictures of Britney Spears, snippets from works ...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Social Media
"OH, SUCK IT!" WAS JUST TOO MUCH FOR THEM. A conversation about algorithms, money and sexual education on the Internet.
(Collective Feige )
In 2018 the collective Feige, founded by Ebru Düzgün, Franziska Kabisch, Magdalena Fischer, Malu Blume and Sophie Utikal, produced the video series Love, Sex & Real Talk. In the 14-part web series on sexual self-determination, 11 girls and young women between the ages of 15 and 19 examine myths ...
3 QUESTIONS FOR ... Konstanze Schütze
(Konstanze Schütze)
Art magazines publish articles about current exhibitions. The SFKP e Journal Art Education Research aims to transpose this format to current practice in the field of art education by presenting one art pedagogical project per issue or by casting light on an–in a broad sense–art educational positi...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Social Media as Workspace: Where Creativity Creates Problems
(Sophie Lingg)
Taking the “Castle Doctrine [9:58]” discussed in the film essay as a starting point, this article examines the connections between the “home” and the “account.” After a brief review of the scene, which explains the doctrine and describes the home as the “place where you feel safe,” the text goes ...
Caption this ???!?!?!
(Anja Lomparski, Jana Wodicka)
This article is a creative commentary and practical response to the film Everything but the World (DIS 2021). Stills and quotes from the film provide the basis for a consideration and development of its central motifs and issues – an open process in which the authors spin a wide web of associatio...
social space
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
Artistic Production as a Modality for Political Action: A Manifesto
(Common Action)
Based on Olivia Wiederkehr’s Manifesto and a manuscript of a discussion in Basel between Olivia Wiederkehr, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, and Patricia Bianchi in 2018, we developed this manifesto. We understand this text as a score for a collective action in the public sphere. It addresses our current un...
soziale Rolle
From sitting on sifted knowledge. A reflection on the subconscious
(Santi Michaela Grunewald, Zoë Katharina Haupts, Rebekka Hönnerscheid, Veronika Judith Senger)
When did you last wash your hands? Can you still remember who it was that taught you to do it? How would you explain how we should wash our hands? While it might seem unusual to consider a simple activity like handwashing, it can make us aware of the ways in which we appropriate knowledge. We ass...
Researching the Built Environment with Pupils: Envisioning the Living Spaces of Tomorrow
(Lea Weniger, Natacha Pinheiro Batista , Gila Kolb)
How do school students perceive buildings and built environment around them? What are their experiences of this local Baukultur, and how do they imagine it to be in the future? These questions lie at the heart of the project "Commoning ländliche Baukultur – Die Baukulturexpert*innen von morgen"...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Making the Built Environment One’s Own—In a Playful, Artistic, and Cartographic Way
(Mirko Winkel)
A playful appropriation of space, artistic intervention in public space, and participatory cartography offer novel perspectives on the built environment (Baukultur) by challenging existing spatial conventions and making transformative processes possible. The following article demonstrates this th...
Things, Moods, Actions - The Walk as a Constellation
(Markus Schwander)
Both in artistic research projects and in teaching, walks are used to investigate the perception of space. Walking together is regarded as a constellation in order to recognize and influence the factors that determine the action, i.e. to shape collective action. Artistic examples will be used to ...
spaces of action
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Agency at the margins of power
(Andrea Hubin)
Locating a gallery education that operates with concepts of performativity Why is gallery education interested in performativity? Between fights for recognition, reflection on one’s ow...
Performing the educator
(Bernadett Settele)
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Whether we like it or not
(Agnieszka Czejkowska)
Cultural education and research based on external fundsUniversities, research and non-profit institutions have their dependence on external funds in common. Agnieszka Czejkowska's article d...
Aesthetic Learning in Urban Space – Ongoing Syntheses of Practice and Theory
(Wolfgang Zacharias)
Wolfgang Zacharias’ contribution shows his interest in aesthetic and urban learning in the context of «Cultural Education 2.0». The text encompasses the experimental educational activities in publ...
Do it yourself und Radikal Crafting. Wie radikal ist die Handarbeit? Zu Geschichte und Aktualität von Do it yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst.
(Sonja Eismann)
Sonja Eismann zeigt in ihrem Beitrag die Geschichte und Aktualität von Do-it-yourself-Strategien in Aktivismus und Kunst auf. Sie geht der Frage der Etablierung dieser Gegenkultur nach, die sich An...
Empowerment as a strategy of action against racism
(Žaklina Mamutovič)
Current antiracist education in Germany is mostly directed towards members of the majority society and conceived in their perspective. In practice, perspectives of minority member or People of Colo...
Refugees as «material» for art projects?
(Das AntikultiAtelier)
AntikultiAtelier We are a group of people living in Switzerland and working on asylum and migration policies, racism and representation: many of us as refugees, others as migrants or Swiss. In...
«Integration as Anti-Reflective Coating»
(Judith Rahner, Nicola Lauré al-Samarai)
Considering Historical-Political Education and Memory Work with Young People of Color in Germany Dominant debates on so-called Holocaust-education in the migration society not onl...
(Un)learning Taste in the everyday (at school)
(Danja Erni)
How does my taste influence my teaching? Why, as a teacher, it almost slightly offends me if the sovereignty of my «good» (qua «educated») taste is challenged by the aesthetical preferences of stu...
Counter/Acting: Performative Porosity
(Elke Krasny)
Based on Counter/Acting, a symposium at the Institute for Education in the Arts at Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with Kunsthalle Wien, this text opens up links between possible acti...
The Living School
(Brandon LaBElle)
The Living School was held in London from February to June 2016 in collaboration with the South London Gallery and taking place at a range of venues in the city. Focusing on the issues of social ho...
Museum of Burning Questions
(Nora Sternfeld)
Negotiating with reality at the Bergen Assembly 2016 Are exhibition contexts places of refuge for critical teaching and learning, precursors of their total economization, or both? And what does thi...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
Mediation of Realities: The Society of Friends of Halit
(Ayşe Güleç)
Carried out as part of documenta 14 in Kassel, The Society Friends of Halit focused on the crimes of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) and its belated prosecution. Though it received overwh...
‘Natural Art Education’ – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse
(Anna Schürch)
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
questioning in art education
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz, Annemarie Hahn)
This 23rd issue of the e Journal Art Education Research is dedicated to asking questions in art education. We speak of "art education" both in the sense of the academic discipline, which is shaped by various fields of reference (cf. Meyer & Sabisch 2014) and at the same time has its own waywardn...
Built Environment Education as an Aesthetic Discursive Practice
(Eva Chen)
The focus of my article is on how the built environment (Baukultur) is constructed, as dynamic networks of material structures, cultural practices, and symbolic associations. Starting from examples of everyday use and drawing on socio-spatial approaches to questions of space and education, I sket...
Everyday Life as a Testing Ground for Performative Parenting
(Linda Luv)
In living with a child, young parents often find themselves confronted with stereotypical and generalized representations of gender. Teaching children about gender diversity day to day requires more than just good books and teaching models; what we need are performative tactics that break with ex...
Verstehen Sie Spass? Analyzing an educational format for performance art
(Clemens Fellmann)
Verstehen Sie Spass? was the title of a one-week teaching format for master’s students training to teach visual arts at the upper secondary level. The focus lay on the performativity of works of art, which was largely experienced and discussed using performative strategies. On the basis of the th...
Ephemeral Teaching/Teaching the Ephemeral
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Luv)
For issue 24 of SFKP, we’re asking: How is an understanding of performance art, and of how bodies perform, taught in a critical way? And how is this knowledge passed on – both to children and young people within the framework of inclusive teaching practices, but also to future teachers within art...
spaces of negotiation
Conflictual Conversations: Art Mediation as Political Education
(Shirin Graf)
Reflecting on my own subjective experiences of working as a sobat at documenta fifteen, I discuss the conflicts and tensions I encountered there between different roles, interests, and opinions. My aim is to articulate the problems I experienced and consider how they might be solved. In doing so,...
Three questions for... Büro trafo.K
(Büro trafo. K)
Questioning and challenging through art education – what can it do? In three answers, Büro trafo.K pursues the question of questioning. They illustrate strategies, boundaries, and exemplary questions, leave others open, and offer an insight into their practice of education through inquiry.
spatial pedagogy
Spatial Pedagogy in Interaction with Art and Architecture: A review of Scheffler’s study "Polarisierung und Neubeginn" (2020)
(Martin Viehhauser )
No translation available at the moment.
3 Questions for... Beate Florenz
(Beate Florenz)
Our short-format interview “3 Questions for...” sees the art theorist and educator Beate Florenz answer questions on the links between aesthetics, space, educational processes, and artistic research, with a focus on the built environment and its role within education. She discusses walking’s pote...
Spatial practice
Shifts in Space - Displacements in Schools as a Critical Gesture
(Margot Zanni)
How could the implicit effect of school spaces be made more accessible to reflection and at the same time participate in the experience of the constitution of another space? The focus of the explanations is on spatial practices of shifting, varying or displacing. Displacement, in particular, is q...
Spatial representation
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
Spielerische Partizipationsmöglichkeiten
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
Sprechen über Kunst
Agency at the margins of power
(Andrea Hubin)
Locating a gallery education that operates with concepts of performativity Why is gallery education interested in performativity? Between fights for recognition, reflection on one’s ow...
The visitors are missing. Which visitors?
(Nora Landkammer)
A reflexion on the Symposium KUNST [auf] FÜHREN The text parts from critique expressed by participants of the symposium KUNST[auf] FÜHREN in Kassel in June 2009: We had been talking about gall...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Gallery education – performance – the differend
(Carmen Mörsch, Eva Sturm)
The paper is based on an introductory talk given at the conference Perfoming the Museum as a Public Sphere at Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz, in April 2008. It parts from Charles Garoian’s thesis that a...
Sketches on Reflexivity
(Rubia Salgado)
Learning the hegemonial language in museums Based on brief sketches on topics such as dialogue, difference, recognition, knowledge, reciprocity and reflexivity in pedagogical settings, this ...
Aesthetic arguments as a medium of music classes
(Christian Rolle)
About the significance of the argument-based speech about music for aesthetic education This paper discusses the educational potential of aesthetic arguments in music classes. The descr...
Individual concepts of music teachers
(Anne Niessen)
An empirical study as a contribution to basic research in music education This paper gives an insight into an empirical study about individual concepts of music teachers. Interviews abo...
Unterrichtssprache - Working Language
(Marlene Lahmer)
The choice of a working language influences the content and type of discussions and creates in and out groups. At an art university in the German-speaking world, should one speak English due to the...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
Standpunkte in Bewegung
… um das Ende der Welt aufzuhalten! Ein kollektives Nachdenken zum Klimawandel
(Bené Asefa Feireiss , Silke Ballath , Kunigunde Berberich , Raphael Daibert , Lukas Oertel , Katharina Stahlhoven , Wiebke Janzen )
As a collective of authors made up of artists, students, researchers, cultural agents, and activists, our aim is to find a collaborative approach to the question of what the corona crisis has to do with the climate change crisis. This question serves as the starting point for a shared reflection,...
Approaching parameters for an informal, artistic education
(Zoé Hall)
In many places, art as a paradigm acquires the role of a political avant-garde. The motivation for this text was found in the need to expand art and bring the political back into the interpersonal. A proposal is formulated on how artistic education could trigger sustainable politicizing processes...
Raising Doubts, Questioning Beliefs
(Käte Meyer-Drawe)
Our usual habits of perception, thought, and action are shaken when something we previously took for granted is brought into doubt. These are not questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, or quiz questions that allow only one possible answer. Instead, a productive disturbance result...
(Annemarie Hahn, Konstanze Schütze)
The film essay Everything but the World (DIS 2021) affects us in its complexity. Engaging with this work opens up new perspectives on the fragmented narrative structures of digital cultures and suggests profound consequences for art education practices when dealing with the pluralized media exper...
Ephemeral practices. The research project "The Art Educator's Walk "– Agency and Attitude of Art Mediators by Example of the documenta 14 exhibition in Kassel" (2017-18)
(Gila Kolb)
How exactly do art mediators create a situation in which a mediation of contemporary art can take place? What kind of attitude must they adopt toward their art mediating activities? Which strategies do they develop thereby? In answer to these questions, at the documenta 14 exhibition (2017) twent...
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
structural racism
Review «Untie To Tie» (2021)
(Eva Chen)
Untie to Tie addresses discourses around colonialism, migration, and racism in schooling contexts. Starting from the observation that there is barely any active engagement with these topics in German teaching plans, they are subsequently illuminated in around 40 contributions to the volume by art...
Structure-genetic epistemology
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
Struktureller Rassismus
Margaret Trowell’s School of Art A Case Study in Colonial Subject Formation
(Emma Wolukau-Wanambwa)
Margaret Trowell (1904–1985) founded one of the first schools of ‘fine art’ for Africans in the Uganda Protectorate in the 1930s. This essay argues that both Trowell’s arguments for introducing fin...
Breaking Open Old Structures: How Can the Colonial Structures of the Museum Be Broken Up and New Points of Access Created?
(Franka Schmitz, Drenica Prekazi, Mina Kocaman, Sabine Rudnizkij)
The podcast presented in this issue is the result of our engagement with the history, functions, actors, and target audience of the museum, and their relationships to education. Using guiding questions, we discuss changes aimed at breaking apart hegemonic structures and increasing sensitivity tow...
Performative interventions
(Sandra Ortmann)
A performance script for the exhibitions Fomuška, by Micol Assaël, and Frühling, by Pawel Althamer and children living in Kassel, at Kunsthalle Fridericianum Performtive interventions, as a format,...
Studying in Switzerland within the context of the Bologna Process
(Philippe Saner)
The article by sociologist Philippe Saner concentrates on the current conditions for studying at Swiss universities. He critically discusses the practices and effects of the so-called «Bologna Proc...
Methodically Tamed Desire. Teaching through research as laboratory
(Eva Sturm)
The progression and outcomes of the seminar «How to Draw Sound. Ästhetische Übersetzungsfragen» [How to Draw Sound. Aesthetic Questions of Translation] (C.v.O. University Oldenburg) were recorded ...
Jumping with delay on a moving train
(Barbara Bader)
Art Education Research at Universities of the Arts in Switzerland With this article Barbara Bader takes a look at the art education research field in Switzerland. According to the author th...
How art schools exclude and normalize
(Philippe Saner)
Reflections based on a participative research process Based on experiences in the participative co-research-process of Art.School.Differences, an ongoing research and development project at ...
Cyborg Exits in the Classroom
(Doris Arztmann, Eva Egermann)
Body-heteroglossia and crip tools for dirty knowledges in art teaching Choosing the form of an email-conversation, Doris Arztmann and Eva Egermann discuss their workshop Body-Heteroglossia – u...
Researching in and towards differences and contradictions:
(Marion Thuswald)
in search of critical approaches to professionalising in pedagogics There is a lack of socially critical approaches to professionalization in the education of pedagogues and also in the...
Teaching methodology, research-based:
(Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
thinking about the research apprenticeship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor
(Nana Adusei-Poku)
“Everyone has to learn everything, or: emotional labor” is a reflection of the action-based research project “WdKA makes a difference” which took place between 2015 and 2017 at the Willem de Kooni...
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
subject didactics
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
On Explorative, Instructive Play at Primary Level: A Methodical Double-Decker
(Alexandra Kunz)
Children have questions; they ask about almost everything. Playfully, they examine, deconstruct, collect, and organize what surround them. Individual questions and active, self-directed approaches grounded in inquiry and play are increasingly used in developing educational programs at all levels....
Art Mediators to Be: Reflections on Foundations, Framing, and Methods in Training the sobat-sobat for documenta fifteen
(Isabell Baldermann)
This article discusses the training of art mediators for documenta fifteen, and how this affected the mediation team during the exhibition. The question of what conditions collective art mediation needs to succeed is considered from a critical perspective, analyzed along the lines of three aspect...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
(Helena Schmidt, Sophie Lingg)
Coming back from Ibiza analyses the potential of the meme as a political-activist tool, in terms of its use in contemporary, critical art education. The article focuses on the Austrian Instagram meme account Ibiza Austrian Memes (@ibiza_austrian_memes), which was founded in 2019 in response to th...
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
subject position
Being exposed as a lecturer. Proposal for a reflexive positioning of university teaching on the exemplary basis of art pedagogy
(Bernadett Settele)
To reflect on teaching art education "from art" (see Sturm 2011), I select being exposed as a starting point. Being exposed marks a place on the threshold between the critical appreciation of action and its conditions and a perspective that makes it possible to consider its passive aspects (see S...
Sorting Shapes at the Edge of Awareness
(Sascha Willenbacher)
In this text Sascha Willenbacher deals with the practice of the cultural agent using the example of "Kulturagent.innen Schweiz". Along the concepts of ‘awareness at the margins’, ‘irritation’ and ‘subject position’, he reflects on this specific position in the conflicting fields of school and cul...
… but what if the real harvest was the memes we made along the way? Looking Back at d15 through Memes
(Jonathan Hohmann)
While the ubiquity of memes did not stop at the fifteenth documenta, this was welcomed by ruangrupa. Among other things, they were officially exhibited alongside drawings, photos, sketches, and other visual documents as Harvest – that is, as the creative products of recording shared encounters. ...
Support focus
Daring to paint images: experiencing colours - creating with colours. How do developments in competence in teaching art and design become visible?
(Ursula Aebersold, Susanne Junger)
Curriculum 21 marks a new orientation for teaching art and design in Switzerland, in cantons with German-speaking schools. The importance of professional and interdisciplinary competence development in connection with the artistic process is emphasized more strongly than in the previous, product-...
Assembling sustainable futures – Anticipatory practices and imaginations in art education
(Michel Massmünster)
The future does not just exist. We refer to it through diverse practices, assembling it as an experience in the now. The way we conceive of the future, experience it in the present, and thus also generate it socially, is the result of complex processes of production. However, historical meanings ...
Sustainable Development Goals
EcoArtLab: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
(Yvonne Schmidt)
The EcoArtLab at the Bern University of the Arts is a pilot project that aims to investigate how the interplay between artistic research and human geography or climate science can best contribute to the climate change debate. In this context, a summer school on Climate and the City was held in Be...
Editorial Ausgabe 16
(Gila Kolb, Beate Florenz)
No translation available at the moment.
Tanz für junges Publikum
Designing Spaces of Perception, Experience and Adventure: Art-Pedagogical Approaches in Dance for Young Audiences
(Lea Moro , Mona De Weerdt)
As a field of cultural-pedagogical practice, mediation establishes relationships between artistic events and their audiences that give rise to aesthetic, sensual, or even physical experiences. Within dance particularly, there is a need for programs aimed at children and young people to give stron...
Material Semiotics of Tenderness
(Seraina Dür , Jonas Gillmann)
We, Seraina Dür and Jonas Gillmann, have been working with thirteen pigeons on our project Parliament of Things, Animals, Plants, and Algorithms since 2019, creating performative settings that we act out together with the pigeons and other human and non-human actors. The concept of caring archite...
Teacher training
(Gitta Bertram)
No translation available at the moment.
Learning Lab Arts and Design
(Dorothée King)
In this article, I look at changes in art and design education from the point of view of changing methodological and cultural practices. I compare historical learning processes with modern practices in art and design to identify diverse research and teaching methods for the Learning Lab Arts and ...
Teachers / Mediators
Read across and talk back
(Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch)
A dialogue on perfomance theory and gallery education Based on Judith Butler's definition of the performative act as an action that has to be constantly repeated and socially legitimized, ...
Performing the educator
(Bernadett Settele)
What if we think of mediation not as a tool for the frictionless transportation of information but as a vehicle of transformation? How can art educators obtain a certain (different) kind of facult...
How speechlessness can lead to action
(Julia Draxler)
The article asks the question, if not only «talking about art» but also «acting to art» is possible and usefull in art education. Artworks should not only be discussed in a rational way, but also ...
Materialien zum Selbststudium
(Danja Erni, Nora Landkammer, Anna Schürch, Bernadett Settele)
Die Materialien zum Selbststudium sind mit dem Ziel konzipiert, eine Diskussions- und Wissensbasis zu den Themen «queer» und «Do it yourself» im Kunstunterricht zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sie beschä...
Schwierige Themen im Bildnerischen Gestaltung-Unterricht
(Danja Erni)
Danja Erni wirft in der Perspektive der Netzwerkveranstaltung Persönlichkeitsverwicklung # 1: Queer und Do-it-Yourself im Kunstunterricht einen Blick auf ihren eigenen Unterricht sowie auf das Beru...
Critical Whiteness in Pedagogical Practice -
(Regina Richter, Claude Preetz)
how to deal with one’s own role as a white teacher in a critical perspective on racism? Background text for a workshop The paper aims to encourage a critical reflection on the privileged position o...
Teaching methodology, research-based:
(Michèle Novak, Anna Schürch)
thinking about the research apprenticeship The research apprenticeship serves the lecturers Michèle Novak and Anna Schürch as a means to introduce a format of research-oriented teaching and le...
Learning Processes about Non-Discriminatory Practices in the Field of Cultural Education
(Aïcha Diallo, Danja Erni)
Since summer 2016, we have been leading the KontextSchule, a platform for the continuing education of teachers and artists in Berlin. Adopting the viewpoint of those who stand inside and outside o...
Nanna Lüth
Art | A Critical Perspective on Racism | Art Education On Fragility and Resistance to edit this issue of Art Education Research that focuses on the challenges related to work in art and a...
Pedagogy for Democracy. Art/Education against Racism
(Nanna Lüth)
In her editorial, Nanna Lüth connects the issue of partiality within the field of critical art education to discussions about the notion of controversy in political pedagogy. Art education, she po...
‘Natural Art Education’ – On Biologisms in Art Educational Discourse
(Anna Schürch)
In her contribution on the history of her discipline, Anna Schürch explores how biologicistic argumentative figures have shaped the thinkable and sayable in the context of German-language art educa...
teaching methodologies
Emergency Remote Art Education? Reflections on a study with students on art- and aesthetic-cultural educational practices in a state of emergency
(Miriam Schmidt-Wetzel, Laura Zachmann)
The article provides an overview of a study being considered an investigation of and with actors in art education and orients itself methodically/methodologically on characteristics of phenomenological case research. Subject of the qualitative-empirical study is the experience of various actors i...
Gestalt and well-formedness: Children’s spatial drawings
(Stefanie Stadler Elmer, Lea Weniger)
This text outlines the theoretical framework of our study on spatial drawing in the context of primary school. We investigate how children graphically represent a single spatial body. This is one of three conceptual aspects of children’s spatial drawing, the others concern spatial relationships b...
technical development
An ontology of the present. On the transformation of art educational knowledge
(Anna Schürch)
Curriculum revision projects, such as the current revision of the secondary school (Gymnasium) basis curriculum 2020-22 in Switzerland, call for a review of the content and objectives of the individual subjects and provide an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge within a subject, and the way i...
In Search of Radical Simultaneity: A Miniature Reading for the Theater
(Martina Leeker)
This play takes the artist group DIS’s film Everything but the World as the starting point for an investigation into the conditions and possibilities of simultaneity, celebrated within current discourse as a source of knowledge and as a mode of existence with the potential to save us from our cur...
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL. Voice-controlled interfaces and their media-critical mediation
(Malin Kuht)
SOMEWHERE OFF THE REAL considers interfaces as conjunctions of possiblilities, histories and underlying factors of digital media. Interfaces enable and shape interaction with digital information and communication technologies. The predominantly female-coded design of voice control, which is incre...
IT'S ABOUT TIME. Critical Art Education in Digital Times
(Sophie Lingg, Helena Schmidt)
Editorial The 18th edition of the Art Education Research e Journal was created in the first half of the year 2020. In addition to the steadily worsening climate crisis, the extent of which is alrea...
Material Semiotics of Tenderness
(Seraina Dür , Jonas Gillmann)
We, Seraina Dür and Jonas Gillmann, have been working with thirteen pigeons on our project Parliament of Things, Animals, Plants, and Algorithms since 2019, creating performative settings that we act out together with the pigeons and other human and non-human actors. The concept of caring archite...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
the promotion of creativity
Extracurricular support for art: Dare to expand!
(Nicole Heri)
The master's thesis is a comparison of extra-curricular artistic promotion in the Lucerne area with the K'werk in Basel-Stadt and an examination of the concept of creativity. It was written in the frame of the fine arts program with a major in art in public spheres. In research, creativity is of...
Learning from Wallmapu
(Aldir Polymeris )
This paper is about a place called Chile and another called Wallmapu, which is either inside, below, or outside the former, depending on your point of view. Wallmapu is a place where complex histories are inscribed – overlapping, boundary-crossing, and globally entangled. These are narratives of ...
In Search of Radical Simultaneity: A Miniature Reading for the Theater
(Martina Leeker)
This play takes the artist group DIS’s film Everything but the World as the starting point for an investigation into the conditions and possibilities of simultaneity, celebrated within current discourse as a source of knowledge and as a mode of existence with the potential to save us from our cur...
theater methods
Participatory spaces of aesthetic education Transferring a museum-pedagogical program with theater methods
(Bettina Gassmann)
The basis of this contribution is formed by my master thesis at the FHNW School of Education (PH), which centers on aesthetic education. The aim of this work was to activate students to participate in the educational field of the school with a workshop using the theatrical methods of Augusto Boal...
Theatervermittlung [Theatre Education] as Object of Research
(Ute Pinkert)
According to Ute Pinkert the decisive characteristic of theatre pedagogy at theatres is the connection to the institution theatre. For this specific research area she introduces the term «Theaterv...
Paradox and dissent
(Groupe l’Aventin)
reflexions on theatre education in migration society The paper reflects on a theatre education project the Groupe l’Aventin developed with migrant women attending at the association Camar...
Lost in education? KulTür auf!
(Ahmed Shah, Nils Erhard)
«We don’t want inclusion, nor participation, nor integration, what we want is SELF emancipation» (from Schwarzkopf BRD, JugendtheaterBüro Berlin). The paper, based on experiences from the work of ...
Enabling questions
(Ursula Ulrich)
The text retraces how studying the theatrical design workshop «role kids» with primary school children from Lucerne turned into a challenging expedition. Ulrich shows how team-based action researc...
After reflection is before reflection:
(Andreas Bürgisser)
thinking about the conditionality of collaborative theatre pedagogy in schools In his text, Andreas Bürgisser, as a former FLAKS collaborator, considers the significance of FLAKS towar...
Stimmlos 2 – Rehearsal
(Simon Harder)
Stimmlos (voiceless/unvoiced/voting ticket), a series of experimental sound pieces and a work-in-progress, is based on and centred around artworks, giving rise to compact images in space and langua...
(Cornelia Dinsleder )
No translation available at the moment.
thinking through material
Sedimented – When material acts
(Tiziana Halbheer)
The contribution Sedimented – When material acts deals with materials as vibrant and intra-active phenomena. The impact, liveliness and interlinkage of material with the surrounding world is illustrated based on the material dust precipitation, a mixture of anthropogenically and naturally abraded...